Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I Wish Nicholas Angel Reviewed Every Movie

"Well, I wouldn't argue that it wasn't a no holds barred, adrenaline fueled thrill ride. But, there is no way you can perpetrate that amount of carnage and mayhem and not incur a considerable amount of paperwork."
- Nicholas Angel (Simon Pegg) in Hot Fuzz after watching Bad Boys II


jasdye said...

awesome quote from a killer movie. just re-watched it last night.

btw, i had no idea how many cameos (many british stars that i know little about, but other big ones partly disguised) there were in HF.

J.D. said...

Bill Nighy, Steve Coogan, Martin Freeman, Paddy Considine, CATE BLANCHETT... (the list goes on...)

J.D. said...

Oh! And Peter Jackson played Santa!

Lorna said...

I havae definitely got to get out to Blockbuster

jasdye said...


you ruined the surprise!

Magnus said...

Yeah, that was brilliant.
Don't forget Timothy Dalton - no one "twirls a moustache" these days quite as well as he does

Glenn Dunks said...

Paddy Considine was hardly a cameo.

I just watched Hot Fuzz for the first time a couple of nights ago. I really enjoyed it. Really great fun, definitely.