(Note, I feel the same way about you silly people that insist on dressing up your dog).
Well when my wife said "let's dress up our 4 month old for Halloween, I thought she was crazy."
"That's cruel." I said. "She can dress up when she's old enough to tell us she wants to dress up."
And imagine my surprise when I see infant costumes galore at children's clothing stores (Gymbore, Children's Place), department stores, big box retailers like Target, Pottery Barn Kids, and the list goes on. Suddenly I realized the scope of this cruelty.
Many people asked "What is Linden going to be for Halloween?"
"I think she's going to dress up as a baby." I would say, befuddled that everyone expected I would put my daughter through this silly ritual.
Yet earlier this week I folded.
I don't want to be cruel. But I didn't want my wife to sigh every time she she's her friends post baby-dress-up pictures on their blogs from this point forward.
So our daughter Linden does have a "costume." Nothing too torturous...something less than cruel that my wife and I have put together for her to wear this evening when she greets little children at the door to pass out candy.
What's your thoughts on dressing up infants and pets?
If you are dressing up your infant or pet, feel free to e-mail me a picture. I'd love to show off your pet/child here.
Picture above via Andrea-Shroeder.com.