Linden is

Linden while known most as a type of tree is also the name of cities in Germany, Australia, Alberta, Nova Scotia, Switzerland, and the United States. In the US Linden cities can be found in Alabama, Arizona, California, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas, Tennessee, Virginia, and Wisconsin.
Linden Lab is also the name of the company that has developed the virtual world second life where they use "the Linden" as currency.
Hal Linden's the golden Globe nominated Actor, Trevor Linden's a hockey player, and Everwijn Johan Maarten van der Linden is the famous rower from the Netherlands.

My favorite thing about the name Linden is that it's beautiful, classy, unique, and sounds like a girl who's a lot of fun, nice, caring, and smart.
I also like the way the Linden leaf looks like a heart. She will be loved so much.
best post EVER.
I can't wait to see a picture of you and sweet little Linden.
This was very sweet, made us cry a little bit...Anthony's comment was special too. We love you and pray that all goes well the next several hours (well, YEARS!!!)
ma and pa
Best wishes for life with the new little one!
really exciting. very very happy for you two.
and Linden. (not to be confused with Lyndon, eh?)
Awesome, I didn't know that Linden was the name of a beautiful tree. I really like that :) Can't wait to see pictures! Good luck with the delivery, I'll pray that everything goes smoothly.
Very cool name. And having recently become the father of a little girl myself, I can tell you that even though you know you'll love her now, you can't believe how you'll feel once you've held her in your arms. Congrats and good luck!
Ryan...we are SO HAPPY FOR YOU and Kim! It's such an amazing feeling to hold your newborn child...We can't wait to meet little Linden one day.
I hope it is over quickly for your wife.
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