I don't really know if in the future people will play "board games." But if they continue to update and sell board games in to the future, then I'm telling you
right now...2008 is the answer to the question.

Even though the current economic climate makes 2008 a year that many want to shrug off, I don't that 2008 is a year that gets erased from the history books, rather I think it has been a defining year.
However you get your news -- I imagine that in 2008 you expanded your interest in news...whether you traditionally are the person who only reads local news, entertainment news, sports, or the comics...I have a feeling that whether it was with a newspaper, blogs, or general web browsing most people veered from their normal "interest" into other areas of interest, simply because there were so many important things going on.
You might have found yourself playing closer attention to politics in 2008...or business, the stock market...or even Hollywood politics with the writer's strike. You might not stay up on technology but apple and google certainly provided enough news to capture our interest.
Whether it was the presidential election, consumer fears, recession, or anything in between I feel like our exposure to important topics like health care, the economy, the environment, world affairs, ethics, and corporate responsibility were all topics that at least crossed our path.
Triva games and crosswords puzzles of the future will be filled with the following 2008 answers: Obama, Beijing, Iran, Raul Castro, Somali Pirates, Burma/Myanmar, Foreclosure, Heath Ledger, Nepal, Bill Gates, South Ossetia War, Michael Phelps, Henry Paulson, Hurricane Gustav, Thailand, Lehman Brothers, Writer's Strike, GM, Stimulus Checks, Sarah Palin, Tina Fey, Paul Newman, Mumbai, Credit Crunch, and Gaza.
Personally 2008 is much bigger than any of those puzzle answers above. For me, when I think 2008 it will always be the year of some very big changes for me and my family, including a new lovely baby girl, a move halfway across the country, new jobs for my wife and myself, and the purchase of a new home.
It's hard to believe how much has happened and changed in 2008. I greet 2009 with excitement, I can hardly imagine what it will contain.
That "crossword puzzle answers" thing is very funny - and original! And true, for whatever that's worth.
Thanks for stopping by at my place. Happy New Year!
Good post. I know that I paid more attention to news over the past 12 months than I did the previous year. In some ways I hope that 2009 brings some delightfully boring news days for us all.
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