Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Candy Corn Theory

Any "seasonal" food (i.e. candy corn as the primary example) that only is produced as a seasonal item is probably disgusting and people who say they like it are fooled by their association with the holiday.
Photo via flickr by juushika redgrave.


arteriole said...

I must be an anomaly then =)
I detest Halloween - but I LOVE the little Brach's pumpkins!

RC said...

@ arteriole -'re honestly saying you wish they sold Brach's Pumpkins year round?

I propose if these were sold year round as bulk candy at the candy store you'd never buy these - orange waxy sugar nastys. Ick!

arteriole said...

Hmmm.....this hypothesis deserves further investigation - I am off to buy a bag of pumpkins for some serious analysis!

Loren Eaton said...

Candy pumpkins and corn are freaking awesome, cease you blasphemy immediately.

Loren Eaton said...

That should be "your." See, I'm on a sugar rush already.

Grete said...

I hope my husband reads this post. Candy corn is gross.

RC said...

It's really all seasonal candy -- Peeps being the next major culprit!