Friday, March 31, 2006

On Blogging: My 100th Post

January 17th, 2006 I began blogging with this post about my purpose. And since then I haven't stopped blogging because I love it, and I've enjoyed beginning to learn how to have what I consider a top notch blog.

I've learned that many visitors come to my sight when I comment on theirs...who knows how many blog comments I've written since I've begun exploring the world of blogs...but I do know I've had 978 profile views since I've started (and I've got a boring profile).

I love statcounter and check it all day long to see who's visiting my blog. (Thank you Jana & Bennett for recommending this tool). Statcounter says I've had 3,970 page loads so far since I loaded the code in January.

Statcounter has shown me also that people also visit my blog through search engines (,, and mostly). And what do they search...

By far the two most popular searches...

(1) Monica Pang leading them to Will Miss America Be My Friend? or Monica Pang (Miss Georgia) is my friend!
(2) Bubble Soderberg leading them to Soderberg's Stirring Up Some "Bubble" Trouble

Part of the reason Bubble Soderberg is so successful is that I accidently mispelled Steven Soderbergh's name, leaving off the "h" at the end. This is not the only time spelling errors have attracted visitors.

I accidently mispell Arctic Monkey's once and instead call them the Actic Monkeys which has surprisingly returned a number of hits to The Arctic Monkeys...I'm Totally Serious.

Other searches: danny ocean style, hammerzone paypal, apocolpto, foreshadowing in a million little pieces, news media review of jack johnson cookie jar, andrea berloff husband, monica pang facebook, be my friend song 8th and ocean, jack johnson and cookie jar lyrics analysis, similarities and differences between bride and predjudice and pride and predjudice, chewing gum eases tension, panama strange, strange african drinking cultures, truth in memoirs, articles about pimps in toledo in march 2006, strange culture world, ethos water, ususual and strange culture, did dan brown plagerize, beyonce nobles pictures, clarity media group bill mcgowan, peeps, soderberg bubble 1.6 million, peeps, red sun black sand, flags of our fathers eastwood, rc showdown, good shephard eric roth, wierd facts da vinci, peeps pencil gift set, jack johnson wierd facts, 79th academy awards, the afters beautiful love chart, store concept.

Obviously you can imagine some of these searches combined posts and people did not get to the sight that they wanted...curious what these searches did turn up from my sight? Type them into google.

Two of my favorite posts on my sight have been when I have experienced blog world conflict in these two situations:
(1) Conflicting Opinions in the Church Sign World
(2) Enough Room for Two RC's? You Vote!

I loved the second situation because I ended up getting my most comments ever yet from a single post...fourteen!

And I love comments, because they give me a clue as to who is reading my blog and what they enjoy and think. Please comment on my blog, I love it! I appreciate Sheri and Kimberly Ann because she comments more than anyone else on my blog.

After the high postings for Enough Room for Two RC's? Your Vote! there is a tie for the post with the second most comments (each with 7): The Arctic Monkeys...I'm Totally Serious & Yikes, The T-WORD! (aka terrorism). But I feel like there will more popular post than these in the days ahead.

I recently began using technorati tags which I have been quickly able to make with ultraseeker's technorati tag builder tool I discovered in a post on the blog caustic conversation. It has certainly increased my traffic.

I like going to technorati as well to see who's linked to my blog (I discovered technorati thanks the Jonathan). According to technorati I have 22 links from 19 sites. I hope and look forward to being linked more.

I hope you enjoyed this blog so far and I am always open to suggestions and comments. Perhaps there's a post that's a favorite of yours, or maybe you found this site because you accidently mispelled a word while searching blogs and I hope your stay has been meaningful. Feel free to provide feedback I always love it!

Hope you enjoy this blog in the many days ahead.

--RC of

Related Tags: , , , , , , , , ,


Carl Rogers said...

Make someone's day with a spoof picture! go on you know you want to. . . Send me an image, give me an idea for a theme and leave the rest to me. E-mail me at and i will create a spoof picture just for you. It's FREE FREE FREE so give it a go.

Anonymous said...

that might be because they are called the arctic monkeys.......

Anonymous said...

congrats on the 100th. thank you for the technorati tag builder link. happy blogging.

Personal Trainer Girl Putney said...

Statcounter is a dangerous website for the nosey! But congratulations on your blog milestone, that's so exciting!