Aquaphobia (or as some people call it, hydrophobia) is a very real phobia. Most people have it when it comes to deep water, not the general substance of water...but I think Shyamalan might have an extreme case of Aquaphobia.

With out any major spoilers, I will just through out a few titles...Unbreakable? Signs? Do you see how a fear of water is shown in the films.
And now Lady of the Water...is Shyamalan trying to express his deepest of fears through this film? I think this might be his last

Related Tags: bruce willis, lady in the water, unbreakable, signs, water, aquaphobia, hydrophobia, m. night shyamalan, fears, film
Interesting theory. The wife and I are very excited about his next film as we have been fans of all of his movies. Is there a water theme/phobia in the other two feature films(Sixth Sense, and The Village). Also did you like the Village we tend to be in critical disagreement with the rest of the world and liked it alot.
I'm not sure what you're referring to in Unbreakable, but you may be onto something. Good post. :)
While we're on it, is Jerry Bruckheimer afraid of explosions? There seem to be a lot of those in his movies...
Then he must be terrified of twist endings, since he continuously employs them to little or no avail. On a related note, I'm afraid none of his films will ever push 50+, though currently I'm being generous about Signs.
Richard I liked the village as well...i think compared to some of his other pictures, the production values aren't as good, but the story is fun and has it's own unique feel (still the 6th senes has the best editing and camera work of any of his film).
Jonathan, don't you remember in Unbreakable how Bruce Willis' character is like a superhero and Samuel L. Jackson is Mr. Glass. Willis' only weaknes (like Superman's kryptonite) was Water...remember him falling into the swimming pool, etc? And as he's discovering things about himself realizing he's always been afraid of water?
When I saw the alien revealed in 'Signs' I nearly wet myself (with laughter). I could have done better with paper clips and papier mache.
And as for "The Village"...
I enjoyed the Village. I also agree that 6th Sense is by far his best. Lady of the Water is looking really interesting...
I always have mixed feelings about Shyamalan's films. I soooo wanted to love "Signs." Alas, I was sorely disappointed. As for the water thing, good call. It makes sense once I think about it.
I love his movies, but they are not as enjoyable now that you are always expecting a giant surprise twist. I guessed the ending to the Village just from the trailers.
No, it's not Shyamalan with the intese fear of water, it's the Japanese guy who wrote, "The Ring" movies and "Dark Water". Both centered around water, drowning, and evil little girls.
He has an infatuation with water...every movie
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