Monday, June 12, 2006

The Novel by Me

I rarely post anything remotely personal but last night I finished my first round edit of a novel I've been writing for well over a year.

(Only about 10 or so people even know I have been writing a novel, and now, its basically finished with the exception of further editing and tweaking.)

Now is the scary part that I've been hoping wouldn't happen. At this point I don't know what to do with this novel at this stage. I assume I need to begin pursuing an agent or all seems to get a little more scary from here.

Also at this point no one has read any of it (except my wife who I allowed to read the first chapter a couple months ago after I had finished my first rough draft). It's intimidating to me to think of people I know reading my novel.

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Dustin said...

awesome! what's it about? i want to read it.

Jim Jannotti said...


One thing you might think about is getting into a critique group. I don't know where you live but if you're near any kind of metropolitan area, you should be able to find one. Check with local bookstores or libraries. If you're in touch with any other writers, they might even have a teacher who works with a small group of writers. I was in such a group for about a year before moving away... I still miss it. Very, very helpful!

Getting an agent is probably a wise move, but even better would be finding other (serious) writers who are willing to read and offer honest feedback.

Congratulations on your work! I'd love to read some of it.

Yih said...

Wow that,'s amazing man. Post what it's about. And I think people who comment on your site should get a discount when it comes out.

J.D. said...

I know we have several writing groups here in Memphis. I'd love to see what it's about or read it sometime :)

Anonymous said...

If only completing the novel was actually completing it.

My last one went through these stages: initial finish, first draft, second draft, proof reading, proof reading correction draft, resubmission to proof readers, final final final draft, synopsis, query letter and submission to agent. I began writing it in March and hit initial finish in April. Everything after initial finish took two more months.

I do agree with finding brutally honest anal retentive people to read your work. It will save you many rejection letters.

Ramification said...

Hey RC good luck with the novel, coming from someone who can;t manage writing a short story in the same amount of time you wrote a novel I'm impressed, would love to know what its about as well!

AWG said...

I hope you'll post some portions of your writing.

Kimberly Ann said...

I can't wait to read it. I guess I am lucky that I get the "wife privlages" of reading it before everyone else. Sounds like I need to put on my "brutally honest anal retentive people" glasses before I do read it...

Maybe my wonderful husband,RC, will let me post my thoughts on the novel here...

Jordan M. Poss said...

Good luck with your novel. I'm writing one myself, and I can't say enough to find good, picky proofreaders, and not just people with the same sense of style and sensibilities as you. I don't know if you live in a city or what, but I'm out in the middle of nowhere and don't have the cream of the literate crop to choose from. Oh, well.
Once again--good luck. Maybe we'll see you on the bestsellers' list.

Anonymous said...

Well...can't say I'm surprised. Congratulations, thus far, that's an accomplishment. I encourage you to keep on trucking with it. I know you have the ability, drive, and style for this. Continue with the project. The world may not be ready...but give it to them anyways.

Weary Hag said...

RC congrats on your novel. Please let us know when it's in print so we can have a look!