The Dark Knight
Production is to begin early January.
Also there is supposed to be two villains in The Dark Knight and rumor has it that Phillip Seymour Hoffman could be playing the Penguin.
Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Michael Caine, and Morgan Freeman all are to be returning, although I haven't heard word yet on Katie Holmes.
Previous Post on StrangeCulture: The Joker and Batman Begins 2, The Joker: Are you Joking?
Related Tags: Batman Begins 2, Batman Begins, Sequel, Heath Ledger, Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman, Christopher Nolan, The Joker, The Dark Knight, Katie Holmes, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, The Penguin, Superheroes, Comics, Rumors, Film
Heath Ledger? not sold as a good choice for the joker. And if Katie Holmes is back. Eww!
I heard last year that it was official that Katie Holmes wouldn't be back for the Batman sequel. I'm fine with that. I still can't get used to the idea of Heath Ledger as the Joker. The Smoker, the Midnight Toker, sure, all of those... but not the Joker.
katie holmes's career is over. her job is mommy to the mystery baby.
Yeah, Katie Holmes is pretty much finished, unless Oprah has some more couches to break in. She'll be modeling for the Home Scientology Journal inside of a year. :P
Well, I'm none too happy that Heath Ledger is going to be The Joker. I think he is a talented actor, but he just isn't right for the part. On the other hand, I can see where Philip Seymour Hoffman would make a good Penguin. Wonder if that rumour will turn out to be true?
whatever the hell they call it, I'm gonna be itching to see it.
I can't help but laugh b/c this movie is named "Dark Knight" and Ledger was in "Knight's Tale" about 6 or 7 years ago...his first real hit, I would say. Wondering if they're trying to ressurect his following from that...
Hoffman is a good choice for the Penguin, but I still say nay to Ledger. Actually I say nay to the Joker being in this film altogether.
I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Batman Begins was by far (in my opinion) the best of the Batman movies so far.
I liked the darker, more serious tones. The others (especially Michael Keaton) were too light and somewhat comical for me.
Ledger as the Joker is such a weird choice. I just don't see it working at all.
Oh boy! Frank Miller's graphic novels call Batman the Dark Knight...I never really liked Miller's artwork, but his stories were good.
I can't wait to see this!! Heath can be the Joker, I guess...he's supposed to be more disturbed than funny, at least according to the comics, and maybe they'll give him the truly disturbed spin that he needs to be a fantastic villain.
I think Batman Begins is the greatest super hero movie ever. I hope they dont "cartoon" it up with the Joke and Penguin. It was a great noir film and I fear they may screw it up. I hope not. Why not Jim Carrey for the Joker?
Because these are darker films and Carey's take on the Riddler was campier than Frank Gorshan's televised take could ever have dreamed of being. I just think he would mug his way through the whole film.
I hated Nicholson'a Joker, btw. Back then I had thought they should have cast Willem Dafoe.
I did not see Carrey as the Joker. Guess I am glad I didn't.
So far the Batman films have surprised us with actors who we didn't think could carry off the role. I'm willing to give Ledger a chance. I could do without Katie Holmes though. Love interests aren't Batman's cup of tea anyway. Lose the chicks and get to kicking some butt.
Not sure how Heath Ledger will do in this film but I'm sure it will be popular.
I did enjoy Batman Begins and I will probablly watch this one too.
I heard on the radio that Ryan Phillipe is playing Two Face. I think they are trying to get a young hot cast and not worrying about actors that are a fit for the role.
weird....as joker i wanted steve buscemi or sean penn...
but not heat ledger...
what is that??? brokeback joker????
I'm so impatient to watch this movie !
A lot of you guys who were knocking the choice of casting Heath Ledger as The Joker sure are eating crow now. :)
davide....who's the joker now? in the future you may want to wait till a film is completed and then critique it and it's actors, otherwise you end up looking like a fool.....and if you have seen The Dark Knight, you've made yourself into a complete fool......haha. Ledger's academy award nomination for brokeback should have given you some indication of his versatility as an actor.
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