It's currently the 5th highest grossing film (domestic box office) of all time*
1. Titanic, $600 million
2. Shrek 2, $441 million
3. Star Wars: Episode I, $431 million
4. Spider-Man, $403 million
5. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, $401 million (as of 8/20/06)
What's the draw to Pirates of the Caribbean to make it a break out success...I mean, c'mon it's based on a Disney World ride about pirates?
It can only be Johnny Depp in the role of Jack Sparrow. He's created a unique and iconic film character that's funny, dramatic, and has a humble humanistic nature unlike most other summer blockbuster heroes.
* This number does not include Star Wars: New Hope which made 460 million but in 3 release time periods 1977 (307 million), 1982 (re-issue, 15 million), 1997 (special edition 138 million) or E.T. with three releases 1982 (359 million), 1985 (re-issue, 40 million), 2002 (20th Anniversary 35 million).
figures via boxofficemojo
Related Tags: Pirates of the Caribbean, Dead Man's Chest, Jack Sparrow, Johnny Depp, Box Office, Records, Movies, Summer Blockbusters
that's it, it is based on a ride. And let tell you about the new one; it is entertaining, but when the guy who is supposed to look like jack sparrow walks around, do not be in front of teenage girls in line. I thought my wife was going to disembowel them with a pacifier as they woke up my son screaming like teenage girls do.
Do you have any idea where the movie would be when looking at the adjusted box office? Undoubtedly Pirates is still near the top, but I tend to think that it provides a more accurate view when you adjust for ticket prices and inflation.
TV & FG of tvandfilmguy.blogspot.com
if only high box office numbers represent good films instead of what teenage girls want to watch.
altho many may see it for johnny depp, i do think it's a good movie. i was thoroughly entertained. i think it has great characters... and honestly, a good story line. i have been a fan of johnny depp's since he was on 21 Jump Street... but that isn't why i see the movie. i think it's good and am looking forward to the 3rd installment. :)
Johnny Depp's not the only drawing power in this movie. Personally, I would have waited for the DVD. I only went to see it because my family made me. My eight year old son's up for anything with pirates in it while my wife and daughter drooled over Orlando Bloom through the whole movie. I just went along to make them happy. Keira had NOTHING to do with it:)
I don't get it. I love Johnny Depp, i'll watch anything he does (most recently, the underrated "Libertine") but this one, I have zero interest. The first one was alright - but I didn't get the hype.
But, apparently, the people like their pirates...
I love pirates and anything with Johnny Depp. This movie was just blah.
Sort of dragged along with no real direction. I felt like I was muddling through the middle of a book, trying to get to the good part at the end. Something like Back to the Future 2, I guess.
pirates, man, it's all about the pirates.
don't pin all the success on depp. he's good here but he's been good in a hundred underappreciated roles b/f this trilogy - and the story hardly suits him.
keira knightly showed some venom and vinegar (finally). and, oh yeah, the movie was fun AND dark. i wouldn't say as much B2tF 2 as much as Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back.
and then there's the competition. nobody else.
yeah- it's definitely johnny depp- he's a cutie. :)
I definitely think Johnny Depp is part of what has made both Pirates... movies successful. I also have to agree with a previous poster that it is simply a good movie. But ultimately I think the fact that is a good pirate movie may have a lot to do with its success. There seems to be a large section of the population who simply love pirates. And I think a lot of those people went to see both Pirates... movies again and again and again.
"keira knightly showed some venom and vinegar (finally)"....
her acting made me sick! first, the fact that she had fighting scenes was laughable, or i thought so. using two swords to stab two guys in back of her... what a crock! but... some ppl will believe anything. i think in the next movie, she should be killed off! ;)
Why is it suppose to be belivable? Being that the movie is based on a Disney ride and totally fiction...anything is possible. I didn't go to this movie to be moved or educated. I went purely for the entertainment value and I think it was well worth my $$'s.
Thanks for your comments RC.
tv and film guy, it ranks #41 on the adjusted-for-inflation chart.
And yeah, it seems pretty obvious as to why this movie succeeded. It's big, bright and loud. It has attractive people in a wild adventure in exotic locations and all that stuff.
People would rather watch that than have an ethical discussion on the issues of being the world's strongest man. Plus, that movie was boring as batshit where at least Pirates had a couple of good action scenes and for most people was just a fun time. Superman was slightly depressing.
Here's what the Ninja had to say about Pirates.
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