The animated film catagory for the Academy Awards allows 5 nominees like the majority of awards in it's program...as long as 16 films are eligible in the animation catagory.
Well this year has been full of animation...Curious George, Barnyard, Everyone's Hero, etc.
Yet the tally just dropped to 15 when the film Arthur and the Invisibles (pictured right) was ruled inelligible as less than 75% of the film is animated.
It would appear now that the 3 pictures that will get Best Animated film nominations will be Cars, Happy Feet, and Monster House.
(Flushed Away could jump in and steal a spot from Monster House but I doubt it)
Related Tags: Happy Feet, Arthur and the Invisibles, Award Buzz, Academy Awards, Animated Film, Cartoons, Monster House, Flushed Away, A Scanner Darkly, Over the Hedge, Cars
Hmmmm...that will be a tough battle between "Cars" and "Happy Feet."
I didn't see many animated movies last year, in fact I'm pretty sure that OTH was the only one and I saw that on DVD. I'd be happy to see ASD omitted from the list due to the fact that I just don't see it as animation. I'm not dissing it's brilliance (I've not seen it), but if they have to make differentiations then I'd say it needs to be off as well. Course you're right, it will probably be the three you mentioned and Cars will probably take it. I haven't seen it either but it is Pixar after all and they own the genre.
I'm not sure it's fair to say that "Arthur" 'ruined' it for everyone else. It is sad that we couldn't have a few more selections listed and that some of the other films that could have possibly made the cut stand no hope in hell now. I'm not holding my breath that "A Scanner Darkly" will make the cut to the final three but a girl can hope no?
ew, that's a gross picture...
rc, your blog is very visually appealing. i'll be back.
i agree with kimberly ann. that is probably why that film shouldn't be considered.
actually, i think they should drop that category. it should be for 'best animation', not best animation movie. and then the Oscars could be more free to add actual genres to the nominations (comedy / drama / children's / scary-as-heck).
if the Academy's worried that that'll turn them into a Blockbuster or People's Choice Awards, well, they already are...
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