Cartoonist Rich Tenant, long time comic artists for Computer World got a unique gig in 1991, to provide the art work for the book DOS for Dummies...the first book in what has exploded as a popular franchise of books.
Now, that alone is only semi-impressive...computer comic guy draws picture for user-friendly computer book.
But I was reading the newest issue of Fast Company and in a short article about an unofficial for dummies writer convention, that Rich Tennant was present.
In it, it said Tennant has drawn the artwork for the over 1000 For-Dummies books. In the article Tennant said: "One week I'm an expert on sewing, but by the next, I've forgotten it all so I can fill my head with chess gambits."
Who else could possibly be the official Renissance Man of our era...he has artistic ability, he's funny, plus he's now read all 1000+ for dummies books...including:
Coaching Hockey For Dummies
Postpartum Depression for Dummies
Mormonism for Dummies
Freemasons for Dummies
Writing Childrens Books for Dummies
Organic Chemistry for Dummies
Science Fair Projects for Dummies
Rekindling Romance for Dummies
Hedge Funds for Dummies
Formula One Racing for Dummies
Retired Racing Greyhounds for Dummies
Nostradamus for Dummies
Myspace for Dummies
Rome for Dummies
Jewish Cooking for Dummies
Koi for Dummies
RV Vacations for Dummies
All titles can be seen at Dummies.com but man, but if Rich Tennant learned one thing from each of these books, he's truly a well-rounded person.
Photo of Rich Tennant from Binder Photography.
Related Tags: Renaissance Man, Rich Tennant, for Dummies, Books, Computers, Art, Comics, Fast Company
Delivering the Mail for Dummies... I wanna see him draw that one!
wow. interesting... seriously, i like that. he's the modern-day renaissance man. he must know the most random stuff (it seems the weird things are the ones that always stick when you fill your head with stuff)
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