Abigails upcoming roles are getting a little more interesting in 2008 as she's been cast in three different films, Definitely, Maybe, Nim's Island, and Kit Kittredge: An American Girl Mystery.
Now, it's hard to say how big the Kit Kittredge movie will be, but it's currently scheduled alongside Will Smith's film super-hero-flick Hancock. Clearly New Line Cinema expects the American Girl following to be the flip-side of the coin of what was seen this past summer with the success of the Transformers movie. My wife was excessively interested in the American Girl line of books, dolls, and accessories (as was my sister), and when I accidentally mentioned this movie to my wife she stated very clearly that she wanted to see this movie.
I excluded this film from my sequel/reduex posting on what to expect Summer 2008 because it didn't fall in line with the noted themes and in-fact I'm hoping somehow I will get away without having to see this film, but there it is, smack in the middle of next summer's schedule.
While I don't typically care for anonymous comments, I thought I would take this moment to share a very funny anonymous comment I received in regards to my first Abigail Breslin post, it's pretty funny:
"I would rather puke. I hate A.B. I was going to play Kit Kittredge in an american girl mystery. They wanted me to play her. But then she came into the pic. Kit was my favorite american girl too.(grrrrrr......I HATE HER!!)and if anyone wants to email me, make sure Abby reads it first and have 'little miss sunshine(more like little miss perfect)' contact me"
You tell your lovely wife that if we lived in the same town, I would totally go see the American Girl movie with her. Of course, we don't, so HA HA! you have to see it!!
RC, check out my post on the Bourne Ultimatum you might like it.
Now and then I think I should set up my blogger so that anonymous comments aren't allowed ... but when you read comedy gold like this, it just makes it all seem worth it.
darrell, i completly agree. there's a couple post of mine that still regularly get anon. comments. I should probably point those out at some time. But you can simply search Dakota Fanning, Daniel Radcliffe, or Jesus Camp on this blog and find the most fun and strong opinioned comments of all.
i understand where the girl is coming from. i really want to play kits mother! ok well i don't even know who kit is, but i just noticed on IMB that her father is played by Chris O'Donnell and so i think i'd be perfect for the role of her mom :)
I love Abigail Breslin. You're right in saying that she was great in Signs and Little Miss Sunshine. She is the perfect antidote to Dakotah Fanning. However, I was watching In America again the other day, and I couldn't help but making the observation that both of the young girls in that movie (Emma and Sarah Bolger) are far better actors than Breslin. They both were required to hit notes that Abigail hasn't been challenged to hit yet. However, neither of them were nominated for an Academy Award. So, maybe what I'm really saying is that Abigail needs to be tested more before I consider calling her a great actor.
@jeremy...you're talking me language when you talk about the In America. You're right, both those girls do an awesome job at complex roles with a variety of emotions and some non-verbally complex scenes.
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