Maul of America metaphor in The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Tractor Facts Abel Ferrara's The Addiction (A non-horror Vampire film)
Strange Culture the misfitting of Jesus in the Good vs. Evil film theme
Stale Popcorn Religion in Films & South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut
Stale Popcorn Religion in Films & South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut
Movizzz Blog Interview with Dave Christiano
Culture Snob Christian film reviews and their morality rating at Decent Films
Culture Snob Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist
Explorations Seeing Beyond the here and now in film
Explorations Potential Offensive Elements (POE)
M.A. Peel Dudley the Angel from The Bishop's Wife
Cinemathematics Roberto Rossellini's The Flowers of St. Francis
Cinemathematics The Short Film The Monk and The Fish
My Voice Should Christian's Use Movies to Teach?
Life of Ando Christianity and legalistic attitudes towards movie theaters
Lazy Eye Theater L.A. Story & Signs from God
Culture Snob Interview Martin Doblmeier's documentary The Power of Forgiveness
Boy on Film Lars Van Trier's Breaking the Waves
The Last Palace Hearing God in the burning bush
Jake Weird William Miller keeping his faith in Almost Famous
Only the Cinema Andrei Tarkovsky's The Sacrifice
Jeremy and the Movies It's A Wonderful Life Clip
SpoutBlog Podcast over spituality in various film & the curse of portraying Joan of Arc
Moviezzz Blog Interview with actress Stacey J. Aswad of 7th Street Theater
Culture Snob Jim Kurring (John C. Reilly) in Magnolia
DVD Panache Spiritualism in Wes Anderson's The Darjeeling Limited
Windmills of my Mind C.S. Lewis & Shadowlands
is that so wrong? Heaven, Hell & Angels in David Lynch's Twin Peaks
Only the Cinema Rossellini's Flowers of St. Francis and Herzog's Wheel of Time
Joe's Movie Corner The Prince of Egypt
Live. Work. Play. Stories: What Churches can Learn From Movies
Coffee Coffee and more Coffee Buddhism and Brian Gibson's What's Love Got To Do With It?
The Listening Ear Monty Python's Life of Brian
SF Gospel "Belief" in Serenity and Firefly
All About My Movies Spirit of the Beehive
The B-Movie Catechism The Enviornment, Pope Benedict XVI & Frogs
CaLIfe Christmas: What Would Jesus Buy? & Muppet's Christmas Carol
For Cinephiles by A Cinephile Robert Bresson: Catholic Christian Existentialist
Pastor Kes Garden State, This House is Not My House
eHome Hope and Hope Floats
Last Minute Post
gee bobg Different Religious ideas in Sagan & Zemeckis' Contact
Eternal Sunshine of the Logical Mind Pastor Richard Gazowsky & Audience of One
Rebelling Against Indifference Match Point, an explination for faith in God
Film Experience Blog Leaving the Church after The Rapture and Priest
Cheaper Than Therapy God becoming accessible through Oh, God
Cahiers du cinema Silent Light
Count me in. I have one post on The Flowers of Saint Francis and one on the short film The Monk and the Fish.
Sounds great! Here is my entry on The Sacrifice.
Here is my post on the 1920's movie palace as spiritual temple.
Hey there,
Last week at Spout, we devoted the entire episode of our podcast to issues of spirituality in film. The first segment is about spiritual experiences with on-religious films; the second segment investigates the supposed "curse" surrounding actresses who have played Joan of Arc. Please check it out.
Karina Longworth
Thanks for the add! it has really been great to look at others comments on this topic. I hope more will join in the conversation.
Blog on Faith & Film
Here is my entry, RC.
Hey there, here's my second entry:
Two Faith-related Films
It concerns two films this time, Rossellini's Flowers of St. Francis and Herzog's Wheel of Time, both of which deal with extreme expressions of faith, just in different cultural contexts.
I finally did mine!
I've got a post about what Life of Brian says about how good (religious) ideas get warped into bad ideas and worse behavior.
My entry on Serenity is here.
I only knew about this just now!
but I still managed to do one, 'cos I love Strange Culture so much. :)
Here's mine, about the book and the film Contact:
The beginning of wisdom
Thanks for hosting this RC. Some awesome posts. Now I have to go catch up.
What a fabulous collection! Kudos to all of you!
I enjoyed all the posts. Thanks!
Ok, I got mine up. Better late than never, I hope!
Hello, I don't know if this qualifies (and it might be too late) but I recently saw a screening of Silent Light that was almost like a religious conversion for me.
Please check it out id you have too much time on your hands :)
Great job, RC! I only wish I could have found time to participate, as I run a monthly DVD-screening and discussion group at a non-denominational street ministry in San Francisco's Tenderloin, and often screen films with religious themes (some past examples: King of Masks, Enlightenment Guaranteed, Wheel of Time, Harp of Burma, Groundhog Day, Three Kings, Divine Intervention, Jesus of Montreal, the Fisher King, Life of Brian, the Seventh Seal, Yes, Macario, Black Orpheus, Tokyo Godfathers, All That Heaven Allows, Underground Zero, Children of Men, etc...)
I haven't seen anyone mention The Passion of Joan of Arc. This great old silent film is one everyone should see. Avialable online here:
MaidofHeaven.com Movies Online
I just discovered this blog through a link somewhere else. Great stuff. I'm glad to see fellow travelers exploring issues related to theology and film.
You might be interested in a recent interview on my blog with Clive Marsh on this topic at Morehead's Musings, http://johnwmorehead.blogspot.com. And to really push the envelope I have a second blog which examines spirituality and pop culture in areas such as science fiction, Japanese anime, fantasy, and horror films at TheoFantastique, http://theofantastique.blogspot.com.
hey, sounds interesting! i will put mine soon.(^_^)
This is a great post, thanks for sharing this one.
Thanks for this one.:)
This one will be great for sure. Thanks.
This is a nice article, nice you have share it.
I like this article. thank's =D
Is it too late to join in the fun, many wonderful ideas and articles have been written. i hope I can be part of the next one.
i read the Maul of America metaphor in The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, it has a great story and a little bit fun. there always #3 example the three leading characters. i love the story of adventure and survival, thanks a lot.
what an incredibly modern piece of design - I am delighted to have found this blog, it's a marvelous resource. Crazy Entertainment
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