Monday, December 03, 2007

Great Wii-kend

It's movie season, but there's not tons to talk about...last weekends new release schedule was's holiday movie season and the top movie was Enchanted at under $17 million (followed by Beowolf at under $9 million).

This blog also had a quiet weekend, but I did not. I had the great chance to spend time with my parents & surprising my mom for her birthday. We had so much fun hanging out, playing games, talking, etc. Plus, I don't think I've ever eaten so good.

Enjoy this short video of my wife and my mom playing their first game of Wii Boxing. (The Wii was my father's early Christmas gift to himself).


Anonymous said...

Very funny. I think you are in trouble!!!

Jeff Reed said...

freaking awesome. nothing better than beating the crap out of your wife on Wii Boxing.... wait, didn't quite come out right...

Anonymous said...

This video made my night.

Anonymous said...

Nintendo is already asking for the rights to put us in their Christmas commerical. . . 2 women, 24-50 playing Wii boxing. Priceless.

Grete said...

Hahaha! I had no idea how funny that would be! :)

Anonymous said...

First of all, I am 49, not 50, and I don't appreciate any of the comment regarding this video. RC, I think that you ARE REALLY IN TROUBLE

Jeff Reed said...

wow, upon second watch I was saddened about the amount of domestic violence in the American household.

Mary Ann, can't believe you would lower yourself to this level. I would expect this from the young whipper snappers, but not from someone of your (aged) wisdom.