Saturday, April 03, 2010

I Can't Believe I Made A Peep Stop

In 2006 I did a post about Peeps, and the various officially liscenced products that peeps make.

I don't really know how these bizarre marshmellow chicks became a part of Easter celebrations over 50 years ago, but here they are lining the shelfs.

Today...for reasons I will share in a later post, I HAD to get yellow chicken peeps.

At the Easter aisle filled with Easter Basket stuffings there was tons of chicks, purple chicks, yellow bunnies, pink bunnies...but the yellow chicks were all gone.

The tragedy.

I won't lie, I traveled to another store to pick up the peeps I needed. The yellow chicks...and no other color or animal.

Happy Easter.

Some Previous Easter related post on StrangeCultureBlog:
You Can Have your Peeps and Eat Them Too? February 26, 2006
Children on The Laps of Rabid Bunnies April 6, 2007
U2's Window In The Skies makes it onto's MixTape April 8, 2007