While there are certain things I expect will be true about this upcoming season (Julia's jealousness supressed over Kristina & Adam's baby -- even though Kristina & Adam and the two kids are stressed out about the change), I am hopeful for some surprises.
Not the types of surprises that are soap opera worthy (like we saw in the Season 2 finale with baby announcements, accidents, etc.) but the type of subtle surprises that somehow you find yourself referencing and talking about...the surprises about things that are strangely relatable.
There's something magical in a series that capture four siblings each raising their kids slightly differently, but supporting each other (generally) through the entire process.
I know over it's first two season this TV show has been on the rocks due to some lower ratings, but it's survived, and there is something I very much enjoy about watching this show on a Tuesday evening with my wife. It's a pause for us to laugh, relate, and occasionally get a little wet in the eyes over something touching...and there is often something touching.
So - here's Season 3. I look forward to watching the premier tonight with my wife.
Due to hectic schedule I have missed the first episode of this show. Anyways thanks for this lovely sharing. I just like this show and I will watch it on Sunday.
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Thanks for the review. This is nice blogging made made you. Love this show and love this sharing.
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