Best Picture Prediction (June 30, 2006)
Flags of Our Fathers
The Good Shepherd
Little Children
The Good German
My next tier of 10 would be: A Good Year, The Departed, United 93, A Prairie Home Companion, Breaking and Entering, Red Sun Black Sand, All The Kings Men, World Trade Center, Babel, & Goya's Ghosts.
Related Tags: academy awards, oscar, film awards, award buzz, best picture, Flags of Our Fathers, Dreamgirls, The Good Shepherd, Little Children, The Good German
I can't tell you how sick I am of the Dreamgirls hype. I really, really hope it fails, personally, because the last thing I want to see is an award season dominated by Jamie Foxx and a hideous musical.
I think actually:
Flags of Our Fathers
Goya's Ghosts
Little Children
United 93
Not too far off from you, I suppose.
What about Breaking and Entering? It stars Jude Law and Juliette Binoche and is directed by Anthony Minghella.
I think Meryl Streep will be mentioned frequently when the Oscar hype starts up. She was vicious in "The Devil Wears Prada"
But then again it's hard for a performance from a summer movie to get nominated.
Hmmm. I dunno. It's been a pretty lackluster year for movies so far. But there's some interesting stuff coming out in the fall, though I doubt it's anything the Oscars will be interested in.
Apparently Red Sun, Black Sand isn't on Paramount's release list for this year so it's highly unlikely to be an Oscar candidate. I could be wrong but I think the rationale is that Paramount don't want to put two WW2 films by the same director into competition with each other - it's counterproductive for obvious reasons. I also think Red Sun will have its world premiere in Japan in December, which will likely delay its US release until January, after the Oscar nomination period has passed. That's my theory, anyway!
Due to the people involved and the story, I find Flags of Our Fathers an obvious choice along with Dreamgirls. In fact these two are the only ones I'm willing to go with at this stage. The Good Shepherd's preview screening drew mixed reaction and frankly I'm unpersuaded as to deNiro's directorial ability. As for The Good German I don't really know enough about it although it does sound awfully Third Man-ish. Hopefully it'll be good enough to get out from under the shadow of that great movie.
Incidentally, there's a suggestion that a Flags trailer will be attached to some prints of Shyamalan's 'Lady In the Water' when that opens later this month.
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