Peter Dinklage may have been in the excellent film, The Station Agent, but man Warwick Davis has a resume that is far more vast and iconic, especially to loveres of fantasy films.
Warwick Davis has played the role of Wicket W. Warrick the world's cutest short hairy person in Star Wars Episode VI, and the Ewok adventure films (pictured right). Warwick reappeared in costume in Episode I as Wald (also right).
He's in Jim Henson's Labyrinth and in the Leprechaun franchise.
And of course, his most famous lead role is in the film Willow playing a little person with a big responsibility of saving a baby from an evil queen (pictured above).
And even recently he's appearing in the Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy (as Marvin) and Harry Potter Franchise as Professor Flitwick (pictured right).
It certainly is a good time in Hollywood to be a big named little person.
Now Warwick will join Dinklage in the Prince Caspian cast as Nikabrik the dwarf. And as Peter Chattaway points out this will be Warwick's 2nd time to appear in a Chronicles of Narnia series, as he appeared in the BBC TV version as Reepicheep.
What your favorite Warwick Davis role?
Related Tags: Warwick Davis, Prince Caspian, Leprechaun, Star Wars, Ewok, Wicket, Wald, Harry Potter, Reepicheep, Chronicles of Narnia, Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy, Labyrinth, Willow, Nikabrik, Dwarf, Little Person, Fantasy, Film, Professor Flitwick
I just loved Willow. Boy I haven't thought about that movie in eons!
Thanks for the post!
There is no way to beat Willow!!!
Man I loved that little guy...sigh.
Peter Dinklage is a great choice as Trumpkin. The guy really is a good actor and was outstanding in The Station Agent. In Lewis's book, Trumpkin is an important character and in the movie he's gonna have to convey some drama ... and Dinklage is up to the task. So, groovy.
Warwick Davis, of course, is the go-to little-guy in Hollywood, and I think he'll be great as the selfish and perpetually raging Nikabrik.
Have you seen the BBC Chronicles? The acting is fine, the story is nearly word-for-word from the books, but the special effects and costumes are so bad as to ruin the whole thing. Aslan, for instance, looks like this. Compared to the Walden Media version, the BBC version is ... well ...
I'd rather the BBC had done it with animation.
Reepicheep was the best, "on guard".
Darrell, I saw the BBC's Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe, but I did not see any of their other Narnia versions.
dinklage was also great as the "angry little elf" in Elf.
sorry to all the Willow lovers out there. but you can't argue against the whole, flippin' Leprachaun series.
personally, i've never seen an entire episode, but that iconography is forever stuck in my mind whenever i think of the little magical green miscreants. "Give me me pot o' gold!"
i grew up LOVING willow
i'm so excited he'll be in the chronicles movie :)
thanks for the update :)
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