- Love comes quickly to some and slowly
to others.
- Love can not be bought with possessions or opportunities.
- Sex does not create love.
- Sexual infidelity destroys love.
- Misplaced sex confuses love.
- Sex is not love, but is a natural expression of romantic love.
- Love can never successfully be a biproduct of selfishness.
- Love must be mutual to succeed.
- The views of others effect how we view the ones we love.
- Love can forgive.
- Love often comes out of necessity.
- Love comes from appreciation of each others differences rather than tolerance of each others differences.
- Love changes people.
- The desire for love can change people.
- Loving others is more attractive than loving ourselves.
- Love is dynamic, not static.
- Love is worth fighting for.
- Love is commitment.
Related Tags: love, the painted veil, sex, relationships, commitment, romance, edward norton, naomi watts, film
Interesting...I can't wait to see this one!
Well said, RC!
It really is a I Cor 13 kind of film.
I really have been wanting to see this....
quite an inclusive list....I've been wanting to see "The Painted Veil". It's at our local repertory theatre and never at a time when I can get away....
I had my doubts before we watched this movie, but it was really a fantastic film that captured my attention from the beginning. And as you described, it really explores, in depth, the subject of love.
Nice post...liked the quotes..
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