2. The music is great.
3. I like it because it's different.
4. I like that it plays off of ideas of "dreams coming true" (every street musician wants to record and be loved, right?)
5. I like that it plays off of ideas of reality (the final scenes after the recording are my favorite)
6. We had to watch it with subtitles because our non-Irish ears couldn't understand the dialogue.
Bonus Thought: My wife didn't like the fact that it looked like a home movie
I must say I'm an avid reader of your blog, and I respect your opinion, but boring? I'm sorry I have to disagree, I would say more life affirming than boring, but hey that's just me, but I still like your blog.
Also love the blog and have to say "boring"?
I rarely watch a film more than once, yet already have seen ONCE twice on DVD (after seeing it theatrically as well). And, I plan on watching it several more times. The most I've watched a film in 8 years.
Just love the film.
thanks jeremy & moviezzz for the compliments...
i did say it as "kind of" boring. Not the most boring movie in the world or anything.
Anyways, had to be honest...i was kind of bored.
haven't seen it. but heard lots of good things about it, especially from a music standpoint.
when i can afford movies again, this will be at the top of the queue.
I wanted to see this based off the soundtrack.
There is nothing better than a BONUS THOUGHT!
Hey...if we all loved the same thing...how boring would the world be.
I actually agree with the boring statement, but not the others.
Wow, I'm surprised at the "kind of boring" statement, too. But hey, this is just proof that we are actually different people, right?
I heard them do a live performance for a local station here in Philly. Though I thought the music was good I got pretty bored with it because it was all so slow and ballad-like
I agree whole-heartedly with your thoughts. I only wish I'd thought to use the subtitles, some of it was hard to understand. I was also getting a little nervous about how many times the guy (forget his name... Michael?) said, "Cool." But yeah, the music was great.
I'm a little late buzzing in on this, but I have to say I understand the "boring" comment. To me the movie was a "slow boil" and by the end I really liked it but it took some time. And there is no disguising its limited budget. However, I did think if it wasn't one of the best films of the year, it was certainly one of the better ones.
I just recently watched this film and I was the only one in the room that wasn't bored. I absolutely loved it. The music was captivating and the "Home Movie" feel to the film made it feel more intimate, like I was right there watching a friendship develop.
I'd agree that the film is somewhat slow moving, but to me it wasn't boring. I was quite captivated by everything happening on the screen.
Having recently spent some time in Europe, exposed to a variety of accents and dialects, I had no trouble understanding the characters. However, the friend I saw it with was constantly asking, "What did they just say?" Subtitles are a good idea.
Hey it's no Babette's Feast. I think you need to be in the mood for this film, I thought it was outstanding and probably the best movie of 2007
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