In alphabetical order, the films are:
- Autism: The Musical - 5 Autistic Kids + 7 Months = Musical
- Body of War - Iraq Spine Injury Causes Questions About War
- For the Bible Tells Me So - Homosexuality And The Religious Right
Lake of Fire - Graphic Black & White Abortion Film
- Nanking - 1937 Massacre: Europeans Protect Some Chinese from Japanese
- No End in Sight - President Bush's Mistakes First Two Months in Iraq
- Operation Homecoming: Writing the Wartime Experience - 11 Writings by Iraq/Afghanistan Soldiers
- Please Vote for Me - First 3rd Grade Class Monitor Election in China
- The Price of Sugar - Haitians Exploitation at Sugar Plantation in Dominican Republic
- A Promise to the Dead: The Exile Journey of Ariel Dorfman - Argentinian-Chilean Forced into Exile in 1973
The Rape of Europa - Saving the Art of Western Culture from Nazis
- Sicko - Problems with For Profit Health Care in US
- Taxi to the Dark Side - Dead Afghan Taxi Driver & American Torture Policy
- War/Dance - Three Displaced Children in Dance Contest in Uganda
- White Light/Black Rain - 18 Survivors of Atomic Bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Have you seen any of these?
Which five do you think will get nominated?
Which ones do you want to see?
The above pictures are stills from Autism: The Musical, Lake of Fire and Please Vote For Me.
No "In The Shadow of the Moon"? I'm surprised that wasn't mentioned.
Wow, a lot of these sound really interesting. I'd love to see
Autism: The Musical, Body of War, For the Bible Tells Me So, Lake of Fire, Sicko, and White Light/Black Rain. Are any of these out on DVD yet or soon?
The only one I've seen is Sicko.
I would like to see:
For the Bible Tells Me So
Please Vote for Me
Taxi to the Dark Side
The Price of Sugar
White Light/Black Rain
I saw A Promise To the Dead: The Exile of Ariel Dorfman during TIFF 07 and it was quite good, although sometimes I wanted to know more.
Wow, mostly dark films eh? I guess that is a sign of the times. They shoulda had King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters, mind you I might be biased as I just got back from seeing it...
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