that last year lacked (by this point it became pretty clear that Forrest Whitaker and Helen Mirren were on the fast track to Oscar gold, and the best picture short list, was well...short), and it was only at this point that things got shaken up with multiple wins for Letters from Iwo Jima.
The winners were:
Best Picture: There Will Be Blood
Director: Paul Thomas Anderson, There Will Be Blood
Actress: Marion Cotillard, La Vie En Rose
Supporting Actor: Vlad Ivanov, 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days
Supporting Actress: Amy Ryan, Gone Baby Gone and Before The Devil Knows You're Dead
Animated -tie: Ratatouille and Persepolis
Screenplay: Tamara Jenkins, The Savages
Cinematography: Janusz Kaminski, The Diving Bell and Butterfly
Production Design: Jack Fisk, There Will Be Blood
Documentary: No End in Sight
Music: Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova, Once
Career: Sidney Lumet
The Los Angeles Film Critics Association is important predictive award, but they also go there own way with nominations (which is a good thing).
But...some thoughts:
An unexpected hot streak for Amy Ryan...NBR win, in addition to winning the Boston critics Awards as well. Where's Cate Blanchett & the Atonement girls?
Production Design winner for the LAFCA has recently been winning the Oscar. There Will Be Blood looks like it's getting some technical love this year.
Is the cinemotography race going to be Kaminski vs. Deakins?
Inclusion of Ivanov, in the Cannes winning film does not sky rocket him to the top of award predictions for me...although it's interesting how common the young pregnancy film is this year.
There Will Be Blood has a hot push off of this list that the film needs. Especially after it's exclusion from the NBR list earlier this week.
The first list to exclude No Country For Old Men.
The LAFCA director winner has not gone unnominated since 1989 (Spike Lee, Do The Right Thing). Otherwise, even non-best picture nominated directors who won the LAFCA award have still been nominated (recent examples include Paul Greengrass, United 93; Almodovar, Talk to Her; Lynch, Mulholland Drive). PT Anderson looks like he has a great shot at his first best director Oscar nod.
More thoughts to follow, feel free to share yours in the comments.
pt anderson should have received some oscar love a long time ago. and the fact that he hasn't yet makes me all the more skeptical of the academy awards.
i know you love 'em. i know it's your thing. and happy huntin' to you. as for me and my household, though, meh.
unless they nominate Ratatouille for best film (animation shouldn't count as a different category altogether, unless you count it as 'best animation', not 'best animated film').
1. Glad to see that PT's film is finally getting some award notice. I was beginning to wonder whether I made the wrong call way back when.
2. A little confused about this mutual exclusion of either No Country for Old Men or There Will Be Blood. Huh?
3. Looks like I'm gonna see Gone Baby Gone after all. :-)
4. They made the right call on the Once soundtrack. It's phenomenal.
I have to admit that I was surprised not to see Cate Blanchett's name. I was also surprised not to see No Country for Old Men.
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