Monday, February 04, 2008

Writers Strike Settlement Soon???

Cinematical reports that the Writer's Guild and major studios may be close to reaching an times for the Oscars and a fall TV schedule. Apparently a newly outlined contract has been created based on the contract created with the directors guild a few weeks ago.

Are you ready for the writer's strike to be over? Has this stike affected you in anyway?


AK said...

The Office. That's all I have to say.

crackers and cheese said...

Really, it hasn't affected me much at all. I'm really not much of a tv watcher. The only TV show I watch on a regular basis is LOST, which they had already planned on waiting until the spring to start it, so while everyone else this past fall was sad that their favorite shows were gone, I was still waiting for mine to start. Still, an 8 episode season versus a 16 episode season does make me sad, especially since we might have to wait until next spring to see what happens next.

I have found myself watching more shows online, like the Office. I think it's a shame that audiences can enjoy our favorite shows online without the people who make those shows possible being reimbursed for them. I really hope the writers (and everyone else, when those next contracts come up) get the good end of this deal and can benefit from their shows airing on the internet.

Grete said...

Now that "Lost" has started again, I really really hope they will be able to finish writing and filming the rest of this season! (Though I doubt it.)

Jeremy said...

I've been keeping a candle burning at my window till the strike is settled. Just kidding. I havn't been affected that much since I don' watch much new t.v. but the oscars is like my super bowl so it would be a shame if it's not settled by then

Westcoast Walker said...

For the love all that is sacred and pure in this world, please let it be so and put to rest the deluge of awful reality TV. Just say NO to American Gladiator!

ok, it felt good to get that of my chest. Like others here it hasn't been too bad - between Jpod and Lost there is enough to keep my sane for the evenings when I do watch TV. Plus, it inspired me to take out some brilliant and funny Black Adder dvds from library. I am hanging in there!

Terence Towles Canote said...

The strike has affected my TV viewing. Without new episodes of The Office or 30 Rock, and with a big gap in new episodes of House, I've watched more movies lately than I ever have (and I've always watched a lot of movies). At any rate, while I'll be glad the strike is over, I hope it ends as it should--with the producers meeting all of the writers' demands.

jasdye said...


and the Office.

yep. that's about it.

and maybe Chuck. 30 Rock.

o, and the late night talk shows are suffering quite a bit.

we LOVE you writers. treat 'em good, bean counters.

Anonymous said...

It's making The Hobbit come out later than it should. That's about it.

Amy said...

well, I watch some tv, but I've just had more time to waste and more time to catch up things on DVD. Sadly, Pushing Daisies won't be back for a few episodes (like some more established hits repordtedly will) and no idea what will happen with 24.

Hopefully the summer season will be salvaged, though. (for the Closer and Damages)

general125 said...

Deadline Hollywood Daily always has good updates on the strike.

Here is her latest post about the strike.

Anonymous said...

It hasn't really affected me because I first, I don't have a TV, and second, I watch most of my shows on dvd or downloaded after episodes, or seasons, air. But I'm totally on the writers' side and I'm willing, and very able (i'm so behind on movies/shows), to wait as long as necessary.