Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Captain America -- Who Should Play the Role of this First Avenger?

Nick Cassavetes is scheduled to direct The First Avenger: Captain America in 2011.

Interestingly, a comic book loving co-worker of mine got into an interesting conversation about who should play the role of this character?

I've only had a few thoughts...and the huge stature, the square jaw, and the goal of finding someone a little younger who could stick around for a franchise...all considerations making it challenging to cast in my mind.

I've only thought of four possibilities...

Mark Whalberg, Adrian Pasdar, Guy Pearce, Viggo Mortensen

Who would you imagine in this position?


general125 said...

Does he have to be American? If he does, maybe Tom Cruise? :)

Loren Eaton said...

I'd pick Whalberg over Pearce and Mortensen. They're too craggly (for lack of a better word).

Darrell said...

I hope they cast a total unknown. I think it works out best when they cast talented unknowns in iconic comic-book roles (Hugh Jackman, Christopher Reeve, the relatively unknown Toby Macguire, etc). I don't want to be conscious of a performance when I watch the Cap movie. If that makes sense.

James (SeattleDad) said...

Going out on a limb, here but how about Jake Gyllanhal? (sp?)

RC said...

@adam...i've actually wondered that myself...especially because for a moment I kept on thinking of Australian actors (like Guy).

But Tom Cruise, really? He seems to short...too old...too crazy?

@ that's an interesting desription.

@ darrell...i too like the idea of the right unknown...but don't forget brandon routh...that was kind of let down.

@ james...i knew someone would suggest jake. because jake and tobey maguire seem like the same person to me (i know they're not) seems to spider-many to me...and plus I still think height and strength are important for this role.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I vote for Guy Pierce. If he bulked up some, Joseph Gordon Levitt might be able to pull it off.

Otherwise I submit Will Farrell. At least it'll be funny... or really not funny. Hmm. I can't decide.

Darrell said...

RC: .but don't forget brandon routh...that was kind of let down.

Yeah, obviously he was a let down because I literally had completely forgotten him.

Anonymous said...

I think you need someone like Channing tatum. He has the build. He's young, has that all american boy feel to him. especially after we see him in he GI Joe movie, I think he would be a top choice.

Anonymous said...

One word: McConaughey.

KrisMrsBBradley said...

This might be out there, but physically, he fits the bill: Ryan Reynolds.