Well it seems official, that Jerry Bruckheimer is carefully trying to create so much pop-garbage in a hope to completely disconfigure world culture. First, he started small with re-writing American history with his two National Treasure films (as well as other Bruckheimer ridiculousness).
His latest project is the retelling of the Sorcerer's Apprentice...but in modern New York, with National Treasure director Jon Turteltaub directing the film, aptly title...yes, The Sorcerer's Apprentice.
And of course, Bruckheimer hates making moves that don't star Nicolas Cage. Bruckheimer was surely disappointed that Cage was probably to old to play the role of the apprentice, but why not cast Cage as the Sorcerer...that makes sense????
So younger up and comer Jay Burachel (I Am Reed Fish, Knocked Up, Tropic Thunder) will be playing the part of the apprentice.
And of course, Fantasia's version is so wonderful, and concise, yet, I'm sure Bruckheimer has thought up many ways to make the film feature length.
It was Bruckheimer who played the instrumental role in adapting a Disney ride in to the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, and the story of the Sorcerer's Apprentice comes to him with far more story then the Pirate ride.

Female lead??? Is the initial broom a female? Is there a part of the story I don't know.
Oh, never mind...the story's screenwriters have written in a part for a love interest for our young sorcerer. Now if this doesn't sound like classic meaningful cinema, I don't know what does.
So, who's going to adapt "Steamboat Willie"?
Oh lordy. Next Michael Bay will make the dancing hippos section of 'Fantasia' starring Eva Mendes in a fat suit,
Give me strength
I dunno, I like Bruckheimer's movies. Obviously, you can't take the story line in something like National Treasure too seriously... well, I suppose some have believed it was fact based - a scary thought.
This seems like an odd choice though.
After this, what will be left for Hollywood to adapt into a feature film? Postage stamps???
I am so sorry, but you seem to have a DISNEY CARTOON mixed up with an original 1797 poem by
german poet, Goethe. Admittedly, it was this piece of artwork that inspired the fantasia short, but there is
SO MUCH more to this poem than mice and
Do your research next time.
if you don't like the movies why watch them, people sure did enjoy them for them to bring in so much money, and I'd like to point out this, there is nothing original, only everything retold, in a different setting,
grow up
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