I think it's interesting that so many of her favorites use photographs instead of illustrations.
1. Ten Little Ladybugs by Melanie Gerth and Laura Huliska-Beith
2. You and Me, Baby by Lynn Reiser and Penny Gentieu
4. Shapes in My House by Kristin Eck
5. Andy Warhol's Colors by Susan Goldman Rubin
6. Happy Baby: Colors by Roger Priddy
7. Hola! Jalapeno by Amy Wilson Sanger
8. Today Is Monday by Eric Carle
9. Star of the Circus by Michael Sampson and Mary Beth Sampson
10. Bee & Me by Elle J. Mcguinness
We'll see how her favorite's change as she grows older.
Noah would like to suggest..
Moo, Baa, La la la by Sandra Boynton (he thinks it is funny when mom and dad do animal sounds)
Linden is going to have to check out Noah's request.
The title remind me of the movie Babe when the sheep would say "Baa Ram Ewe"
It looks like Amy wilson Sager has books galore about food! We may have to look into those also and I am sure that you can figure out a way to read them in
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