Goodnight late fines. Goodnight reward perks. Goodnight gift cards and goofy store clerks.
Goodnight people. Goodnight lights. Goodnight to making it Blockbuster nights.
Blockbuster isn't turning out the lights for good, or saying good buy to their staff yet, but with increasingly decreasing sales and interest, Blockbuster has accelerated it's closing plans, and instead of closing over 400 stores by the end of the next year, they're anticipating closing a target of 810 to 960, with another 300 or so stores being converted to used DVD outlets.
Blockbuster is cutting loses, but still taking minimal action to be proactive. They seem to be trying to continue to push into pre-existing business models, by continuing to push their mail-order DVD rentals (competing with Netflix) and by adding Kiosk-style machines (competing with Redbox, Movie Cube, and other comparable companies).
In less than four months ago I made 8 recommendation to Blockbuster - and even sent them some e-mails with my recommendations. Did they respond? No. Do they appear to be moving in the direction of any of my recommendations? No.
This seems like snowballing, and I expect Blockbuster to be no more soon.
Does this bother you? Is there any redemptive reason why we should care about Blockbuster's survival?
As long as we're still in the DVD age, Blockbuster will be missed. For one, Blockbuster's Total Access program combines DVD-by-mail and browsing in store services. It's wonderful really. And, for now, it's nicer to walk around the New Releases section at Blockbuster at your own pace, as opposed to standing behind someone who is scrolling through every movie at a Red Box. It just is. But Blockbuster's demise is inevitable.
"Does this bother you? Is there any redemptive reason why we should care about Blockbuster's survival?"
I don't think so. I haven't been in a BB in years, and had my local one close down five years ago.
Renting made sense in the days of $80 VHS tapes. But today, DVD is more of a sell through thing. Why rent DVDs for $4 a night (or whatever it is) when you can find them for sale for $3-$5 in stores?
Just like stores never opened up to rent CDs (which sell for the same price), I'm surprised that DVD rental stores have lasted this long.
The Redbox is a smart idea. I've heard that the Blockbuster equivalent is coming to my local grocery store. $1 a night is an easier option to deal with.
If BB had gone with a sale only model, like a Best Buy, they might have been able to stay around.
Love the poem, RC!!
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