But it makes me think - what gets this romantic-celebrity-squeeze-them-all-into-two-hour-event-holiday-related-comedy can we expect next from Garry Marshall?
I can't decide which one of these Marshall will choose...
- Groundhogs Day
- The Sweetest Day
- Memorial Day
- Halloween
- Martin Luther King Day
- Labor Day
- Cinco de Mayo
- President's Day
Nov 5 - Guy Fawkes Day would be entertaining.
@ General125 - Who wouldn't want to see Queen Latifah, Ashton Kutcher, Jennifer Garner, Jessica Alba, and Bradley Cooper all in a Guy Fawkes Day romantic comedy?
Memorial Day. Patriotism has never been so sexy.
Memorial Day. Patriotism has never been so sexy.
The Viral Site best moments of valentines day
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