Saturday, February 16, 2013

RC is Writing

If you're a regular follower of this blog (maybe you read it in a feed, have this blog saved as a favorite and check it regularly, receive update e-mails, or link over from other sites) you will have noticed a slight decrease in my posting recently.

As this blog is primarily a movie blog some people are talking about the Oscar award contenders, the festivals, guild awards, and other related topics. The people who do that do I better job than I do, so it's not uncommon for me to lie low this time of year.

Instead, when I talk about film, I often talk about future releases and look at the field of possible award contenders well in advance of film releases. Obviously, I discuss all sorts of other things as well, but my mind is slightly preoccupied these days.

My preoccupation has come from buckling down and writing a novel, again...I've drafted a few and my experience has been that I'm slightly dissatisfied with my work product either mid-stream or upon completion.

Yet, I feel different about what I'm writing now.

I have a time and opportunity to focus on my book and with the availability of self-publishing options, I'm excited about the opportunity of presenting a finished product.

I've considered using this space (my blog) to share some of the experiences of writing, self-publishing, and other things along the journey. But I am also afraid of pushing you, my reader, away if you interpret my actions as a departure from regular blogging or shameless self-promotion.

This is not my intention.

If you are interested in reading some more posts about this experience, let me know. Leave a comment here on this post, ask a question, send me an e-mail, or shoot me a tweet @strangeculture.

Thanks for reading,

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