But I found it interesting that Liam Neeson was cast for the part of Abraham Lincoln.
Did you know Liam Neeson is 6'4'', which is the same hieght of Abraham Lincoln (without his top hat).
Did you know Abraham Lincoln died at the age of 56? Liam Neeson will turn 54 on Wednesday (his Birthday is June 7th)
Why do I get the feeling that this movie is about the assasination of Abraham Lincoln?
I think it's a little interesting that Kentucky born Lincoln will be played by Norther Ireland born Neeson.
No other cast has been announced.
Related Tags: liam neeson, steven spielberg, abraham lincoln, historical films, upcoming movies

At first I said, "No way," but Neeson's strangely appropriate to play Lincoln. OK, so he's not American. But he's a top-notch actor. Perhaps this will turn out to be a good movie.
He really kinda looks like Honest Abe, doesn't he?
I think I remember reading that Lincoln is Spielberg's hero.
Neeson is a bad choice, IMO. The looks may be distantly echoic, but Liam's brogue is going to throw everything off. Even when he played Schindler it was a problem.
Thanks for the heads up, though!
There's more than a passing visual resemblence to Abraham Lincoln don't you think.
Liam Neeson is a great actor and I don't think you have to be of the same nationality as the character you portray IMO.
If Anthony Hopkins can pull off Nixon, then Liam will do fine as Lincoln.
I think it is in the same catagory as Jeff Daniel's turn as Col. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain... sort of eerie but effective.
This sounds like it could be interesting. I don't have issues with Neeson, though.
Ummm...Will? Liam is an actor, a really good actor, and he can drop his brogue whenever he so chooses.
He has a quiet intenstity which will really suit President Lincoln, I think!
Right off the top of my head... I think Johnny Depp would make a good booth--there's even a slight similarity in their facial features, and both were well-known, dashing actors.
They held a reading of the script with Holly Hunter as Mary Todd. Not sure if she's officially been cast, though.
Is this movie based on the Kearns Goodwin book, Team of Rivals? I had heard somewher that it is.
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