Jesus Camp is a documentary about the "Kids on Fire" Summer Camp in Devil's Lake, North Dakota. At this camp children are sent to learn how to unleash their "prophetic gifts" and "take back America for Christ."

Yet even though film makers Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady do not make a social comment on what is portrayed in the film about charismatic fundamentalist children, Rev. Becky Fisher is closing down her Kids on Fire Camp.
Fisher says she must close the camp because she has a responsibility to "keep the children safe." Since the release of the film the camp in North Dakota has been vandalized, as well as the Assemblies of God church associated with the film as well.
Others portrayed in the film, namely Ted Haggard, pastor of the 14,000 member New Life Church in Colorado Springs, also was very angered at this film, and the way he and his church are presented.
Haggard urged people to boycott the film saying: "You can expect to learn as much about the Catholic Church from 'Nacho Libre' as you can learn about Evangelicalism from 'Jesus Camp.' This movie manipulates facts like a Michael Moore film and works the camera like 'The Blair Witch Project.' It's one more 'documentary' that seems to miss the point intentionally."
Related Tags: Jesus Camp, Documentary, Summer Camp, Kids on fire, Devils Lake, North Dakota, Christianity, Charismatic, Conservative, Assemblies of God, Magnolia Pictures, Eamonn Bowles, Heidi Ewing, Rachel Grady, Becky Fisher, Ted Haggard, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Film
Get outta town, she closed the camp?! In the film she talked so much about her work for Christ and how she didnt care what anyone thought about it and yada yada yada.
I love documentaries and watch as many as I can and I gotta say that this one was one of the scariest because the "believers" could be so easily was creepy...
I dig some aspects of kids in the faith but I am glad she closed her camp in particular....but then I'm a heathen so...
I haven't seen the film yet so I have no idea if it presents Evangelicals in a good light or not. I do it think it is sad that Becky Fisher is closing her camp because the camp and the church have been vandalised. I am about as far from Evangelical as you can get, but even if I do not share their beliefs I don't believe anyone should be harassed because of those beliefs.
I'd like to know which 'facts' were manipulated by Michael Moore.
[ I can't comment on this movie as I have not yet seen it but it is on my Netflix ]
Happy Halloween, and also I'm back RC!
i totally want to see it. i'm sure this film with indy-fundy evangelical kiddos can come across as very wierd, but i am interested in seeing how it was put together.
I need to see this.
definitely going to ad this to netflix.
I expected to me a lot more upset than I actually was while watching Jesus Camp. Mostly what it did was evoke a few unpleasant memories from the cobwebbed storage space of my mind, particularly when the kids started rocking out to incredibly lame Christian music (I had a Michael W. Smith poster when I was 11), but the majority of my emotional reaction was centered around embarrasment for the kids, who are on the fast track to being the butt of a lot of clever jokes. But even that's okay, because martyrs are highly regarded and it will make them feel all the more persecuted and therefore, loved by God. When they started praying over the cardboard George Bush, I cracked up. Again, when Ted Haggard shoved his squinched up face at the camera and raved about the abomination of homosexuality ...well, sir, we all know what you had lodged in that pink, smug smile of yours the night before you said that. But don't worry, Ted. If you give us a few thousand dollars, we won't tell your wife either!
What Jesus Camp actually showed was not nearly as "shocking" as I expected it to be. Sure, it's probably very upsetting to someone who has never attended a Penecostal church and seen someone go into a tongues-speaking trance, wherein they babble nonsense for the Lord and claim that he's articulating himself through them, but that's old hat to me. I actually wasn't raised Penecostal, though I attended two different churches for several months as a kid. I was raised by a Baptist and a recovered 7th Day Adventhist in a non-demoninational household. We did not regularly attend a church because my parents were too easily pissed off by a meddling minister and didn't respond well to somone pushing them for a tithing. Also, they didn't hold stock with a lot of shouting and bible beathing in church. You sat still, behaved yourself, and took the time to turn over what you were being told in your long as you turned it over the right way. They did the lazy thing and shipped me off to a Christian school, were I was indoctrinated by the First Assembly of God for a few years, until my famous counter-will rebelled and started questioning the things I was being told.
If Jesus Camp really wanted to upset people, they could have attended a few of the anti-abortion training classes I was forced to sit through, where my pre-teen classmates and I passed around pictures of cut up, bloody fetuses and were told just how far we could push it in harrassing people before we risked arrest when we boycotted Planned Parenthoods. Jesus Camp barely touched on all the "Turn or Burn' rhetoric that is shoved on kids. If they wanted to sensationalize, they would have. I do not believe that this movie has a liberal spin at all. It recorded and pointed out some of the facts and that's it, all in what I think was a calm, lukewarm fashion.
What the public reacted to was seeing those kids all worked up and crying. Having attended quite a few altar calls, I know that what those children are experiencing are emotional overspills, egged on by a few dorky counselors jumping around and encouraging a strong emotional release. They're standing in the middle of a lot of screaming and yelling and crying...what do you think they're going to do? When all your friends are crying and you're that young, you're going to cry, too. Even if you have to force it. I guarantee you that a lot of them don't even know what they're crying for. That doesn't mean that they're abused. To be fair, I don't think Becky Flisher is abusing these kids at all. I think she's trying to devolve them to her level. While that's unfortunate for the kids, it doesn't qualify as abuse in my book.
The only thing that outraged me in Jesus Camp was seeing the homeschooled kid coached by his mother that global warming doesn't really exist, and that the world is just fine and we have no need to conserve our natural resources. I got over that outrage pretty quickly though, because no matter what that kid is told, sooner rather than later, he's going to be immersed in a VERY different reality and will be forced to adapt...or die. It's horrible to lie to your kid like that - to plant that denial is the same as tying his hands and feet and throwing him into the ocean...and then telling him to learn how to swim.
What's really sad about the kids in Jesus Camp is that the majority of them are going to stay safely tucked away in the MidWest, where they can trot right up to strangers and ask them if they're going to heaven with absolutely no threat of having their beliefs challenged. Some of them might attend missionaries in remote countries, where, again, they will not be in the least challenged to step outside of their carefully cultivated filter of the world. They'll marry young so that they can have sex without sinning, pop out a few puppies, and start the cycle over again.
But not all of them.
A few, maybe only one or two, are busy asking themselves Why are they telling me this? Those kids are a lot smarter than people give them credit for. A few of them are going to go to a secular college and take some political science, anthropology, and basic psychology classes, where it's going to slowly sink in that the world is a lot different than they were told it was going to be. A few of them are already starting to see through the thin sugar crust of ulterior motives that drive the rhetoric they listen to day in and day out.
They're going to change their perspective. Reality is going to sink in. Then they're going to move to the West Coast, get laid, and learn that this "sick-o world" they've been told about actually has a lot of beautiful gems that they missed before. They're going to develop a real sense of compassion and understand what tolerance means when they make friends with people who don't share their beliefs and they realize how cool those people actually are...and they'll wonder how many other cool people they missed while they were busy damning them to hell.
Those kids are going to do the work of the Earth, because they're going to realize that they are the Earth...and that sense of spirit and love and beauty is much more powerful than any hateful doctorine they were fed as a kid. And they may even retain their original beliefs, but if they're really smart, they'll catch on pretty quickly that you don't get anywhere by disrespecting another person's belief system and forcibly inserting your own to replace it. They'll realize that when Jesus said "The meek shall inherit the Earth," he wasn't referring to a group of obnoxious, sexually repressed, homophobic racists with unfortunate hairdos in Kansas City who think the entirety of the human population, excepting those who share their beliefs and are not from competing churches, are going to roast in hell. He was talking about the humble who take care of the Earth and work with it, not against it.
Zoner was wondering what facts were manipulated by Micheal Moore. I have a hard time finding those 'manipulated' facts myself. It think what Haggard was trying to say is 'like Michael Moore films, Jesus Camp uses facts to expose lies and manipulations.' I don't know why he would have a problem with that.
We need to encourage our children to view all life as precious, not just the lives of those who believe as we do. Zero tolerance is what Becky is teaching our children; and it is zero tolerance for anything that she deems non-religious. Her passion for her belief is commendable, but her belief is as twisted as some of the most cruel rulers among countries where war and intolerance rein. Parents, take a stand. Teach your children what a gift God has created in each of us, regardless if we fit a certain pattern or not. It will be in this teaching that the world will truly head in the direction of healing.
this lady is insane,using terms like finding usable children,harry potter is an evil warlock?/brainwashing children, she need to be locked up in a padded rubber room,and,or even locked up in jail for child abuse,and so should some of these moronic brainwashed parents,these are young impresionable children,you should be asshamed of yourself, watch out she is the new charles affraid for your children..
this lady is insane,using terms like finding usable children,harry potter is an evil warlock?/brainwashing children, she need to be locked up in a padded rubber room,and,or even locked up in jail for child abuse,and so should some of these moronic brainwashed parents,these are young impresionable children,you should be asshamed of yourself, watch out she is the new charles affraid for your children..
The camp is closed? Good! Now someone just needs to pop a cap in that fat bitch's ass, that crazy psycho hose beast has fucked up enough kids.
I saw 'Jesus Camp' recently and I could not believe the audacity that some preachers in America have to subject children to this kind of Christian teaching. It was manipulative, contriving, and probably the most un-Christian thing I have ever watched. I cannot understand why the Evangelicals in this film shelter their children from the world and tell them that everything will be alright because the power of God will be there to help. As a Catholic, I was deeply offended at the part when the young girl is describing what she called 'dead churches' and that their method of Christian practice will not bring Christ into their hearts. If there is anything I have learned from this film is that Evangelical children are raised to discriminate, oppose those who do not share their understanding or belief of Christianity, and to wage war on those opposing. WAR!?!?! The Army of God!?!?! Please tell me they are not serious! I both pray and hope that the children in this film open their eyes and realize that there is more to the world than faith alone. Faith is important to have but not as a crutch. God save them all!
for the generation like Becky..its time for your views to be silanced. todays generation is alot more pliable on relegious views. However, for people who are stuck in the past like you..Please refrain from raising maniacs who will be unwilling to give proper output on future incidents.
As a born again Christian I watched "Jesus Camp" with skepticism due to the lunacy of three-quarters of my brothers/sisters who do not correctly exegetically interpret scripture.
However, I felt the heart of Becky Fischer and her concern for these children to express their God given gifts and to have a place where they can practice and hone their ministerial skills that God is equipping them for. The weeping that was portrayed was of genuine adulation of the soul’s response to worship and submissions to His will...some of the footage sure was hyped emotionality.
Some may have found offensive the pro life aspects also...who will stand for the innocent who have been slaughtered by the hundreds of thousands. Did not the terrible atrocities of Hitler imbed anything into our conscience?
Now as far as her Eschatology is concerned it is a far cry from scriptural teachings, this is quote now off her website about "The Fire Centers" core values: "We highly value the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth through the supernatural ministry of Jesus Christ. This is to be accomplished as all age groups together learn to hear His voice, be led by the Spirit, operate in the prophetic including dreams and visions, healing the sick, raising the dead, casting out devils, doing signs and wonders and miracles, and proclaiming His unfailing Word."
I do not want to provoke an Eschatological argument with anyone. However, this is not a correct interpretation of scripture regarding the role of the church. We are to be the "salt of the earth" and the "light of the world" thus preserving (the quantitative effects of salt) and illuminating a world that is bound in darkness and now is subdued by the prince darkness. But it is not our place to usher in his Kingdom but "save" as many souls as we can.
I applaud her efforts and prayerfully hope that she will use her energy to correctly prepare these children for the mission field (our neighbors, families, and strangers). It is true as one of the bloggers indicated that most will not encounter the hardships and struggles as the Apostles did and throughout the centuries and currently many men have endured but what does that have to do with being a Christian?
I will address a quotient of my time to Ted Haggard, we all know how that ended. I found it disgusting how he said to the young preacher to use "his cute kid thing" when a Christian is empowered with His Spirit we do not need a gimmickry to assist us.
We as Christians encounter a war everyday...battling our flesh (self denial is a scriptural teaching), the devil and his devices and our reliance upon the physical world. That’s what I call a soldier.
I'd like to point out a particularly disturbing comment she made following the release of this film...
(from wikipedia)
Fischer complains the average Sunday School is content to merely give them a roll-over of Bible stories for the first twelve years of their lives, causing them to lose interest in God and the church by their teen years, and opting out of the church culture as a result. Fischer declares, "As a result, we have a crisis in Christianity resulting in as many as 70% of our own children are starting TO THINK FOR THEMSELVES and leaving the Church and never returning. WE ARE LOSING MONEY VERY QUICKLY."
There's that Christian spirit we all know and love...
Watching this movie almost made me throw up. Watching these poor children breaking out into tears while being brainwashed by religious fanatics...Those ppl doing that to children are not any better than the ones that train kids for terrorism in the middle east.
Yelling "THIS IS WAR" at a bunch of children and all that ...excuse me...that´s definitely too much!
Believe whatever you want to believe; if you believe in god - fine by me but being THAT fanatic takes it WAY too far.
If these children need to be saved from anything, than it´s Becky Fisher!
wow, lots of differing opinions here on the comment board. Its crucial for believers that are upset or offended by this film to remember that our God says to not rag on our brothers and sisters for worshiping in a different fashion than what is comfortable to you. And to forgive if you feel like others have not obeyed this charge. I think on the other side of this coin is the reactions of those whose faith (everyone has faith, even if its in their belief that there is no God) differs greatly from Christianity. For you to look into this world like this is a rare glimpse, a place that is not entered to very often by those who have not chosen to be there. Yes, this is a radical place, yes these are radical people, Jesus is pretty radical. You get a look into the heart of a good, holy, righteous lover who knows you inside and out and who has nothing but the best planned for you with a breaking heart over you and see if you don't freak out and cry. This is a small piece of a very big outpouring of the spirit of a really Big God. America God loves us, he may not speak to you personally exactly the same way that he speaks to the believers depicted in this film, but my prayer is that he is heard when he does speak to you in the way he designed you to hear him.
Becky Ficher refers to fat lazy christians that refuse to fast, but don't you own a mirror girlfriend? I failed to find any mention of Becky's family so does this mean this childrens minister has no children of their own? If we have learned anything it is to be very cautious when comes to allowing those who are not part of a family unit to teach our kids about family values. the truth of the matter is she comes across like a stud broad.
This movie really opened my eyes to how small children are easily brainwashed to believe what they are was really scary. It really bothered me when the child was homeschooled, and his mom was trying to convince him that global warming doesnt exist! Also, it made me really mad that she was trying to convince him that science is not truth. Also, it really bothered me when the young girl spoke to a random lady at a bowling alley and tried to impose her beliefs on her. In a way, its like using little brainwashed kids to impose beliefs on someone. Also, I hated that they were taught that Christianity is the only right religion...thats just plain ignorant and stupid. And also I thought it was really stupid when Becky Fisher was telling the children that Harry Potter is evil...i mean Harry Potter is not an evil warlock. I'm really happy that Becky Fisher closed her camps because I believe that shes absolutely crazy and is not doing anything good for those children. There are so many ignorant people in the world, and when people become fanatics of religion, wars and segregation between people happens. Religion for me is a way to guide my life, and treat everyone like God by serving and helping others. I don't believe that brainwashing little children like Becky Fisher does is a proper way of teaching children character. Theres so much more that I can complain about but I dont have enough time to write about all of it. But Becky Fisher is just plain psycho, crazy, and agree with whoever said she needs to be locked up.
So glad to hear that is has been closed. She was filling children's minds about sin and preached that they should be ashamed if they act one way in church and differently at school...but look at her? If you want to talk about literal translation of the bible then she's a poster child for the deadly sin of gluttony, wouldn't you say? Outside of church she must have been scarfing down boxes of Ho-Ho's, or maybe even small children. What a freak.
If anyone is interested about Moore's doctored facts, get the book "Michael Moore Is A Big Fat Stupid White Man," by David T. Hardy and Jason Clarke. Moore makes things up, distorts facts, and splices scenes to make conservatives look bad. I think that's what happened in Jesus Camp as well--I got the impression that the scenes were heavily edited to make people look worse than they really are.
I saw JESUS CAMP last night. what freaks B. Fisher and her co-horts are, emotionally abusing these innocent kids, and shame on their parents for exposing their children to this creepy cult! The image of the kids praying to a CARDBOARD cut out of Pres. Bush was especially disturbing. I'm glad her camp is closed and B. Fisher will have more time to stuff her guilt with more food. What a quack, liar and insult to America she & her followers are. The fact that kids are starting to think for themselves and leaving her church is hitting her in her pocketbook...B. Fishers idols are the Almighty Dollar and her ego!
PEOPLE: we must beware of money grubbing, egomaniac heathens like Becky & Co. !!! Their mind-set is terrorist, at best! In the movie, JESUS CAMP, she rallys kids as her warriors, going so far as sending kids out into the community asking John Q. Public if they're going to heaven - - come on!! Closing her training camp was the biggest blessing that woman has ever given anyone! Her tirades in the movie are nothing less than Hitler-like, she's a frightening leader and her abuse, lies, fabrications and twisting of religion should be stopped. Use your brain, people, and stay away from harassing military-style cults like Becky Fisher & Co. She only wants your money to buy more pecan pie, cheese, danish pastries & junk food to supress her insanity...let her go off the deep end ALONE!
Becky Fishers camp closing is the best news of 2008! If threats & vandalism must be used on someone like her, so be it! She & her camp are a menace to society!
What I have a hard time with is all the unbiblical practices in Jesus Camp. Woman pastor? Everyone speaking in tongues at the same time?...I have nothing against women at all, but scripture is clear. I have no problem with spiritual gifts, what a blessing they are, but in the order God has given us in 1 Cor. 14. However what I did like was Becky's heart for the children. I admired some of the fruit from these young children. At my church, the kids have not even begun to flourish like that. Well, I leave it in Jesus's hands. He is awesome either way. Men always mess things up. But this truth remains Jesus Christ invitation is constant, "Come to me", "Follow Me"
He is truly a God of faithfulness and grace.
The vandalization of the bible camp is pretty normal. Christians were always hated and persecuted. I am German. My aunt went to secretly held Catholic services in 1944, a Christian flag wrapped around her body underneath her clothes. Eventually, she was arrested by the Nazis for her belief and put in prison, but she survived. The Nazis hated the Jews first, but later on they hated the Christians too. They were just haters. They hated everybody.
Today's haters destroy bible camps, while Anonymous looks on and says: "If threats & vandalism must be used on someone like her, so be it!" (New Year's Day's post)
Fischer-Z even dedicated a song to these people, called "Haters".
WOW!! I am a south African who has just watched the jesus camp documentry & i am absolutley appauled. This is totally Evangelical Americans are CRAZY!!!! Seriously what planet do you people come from. You are a new generation of Hitlers!! Please stop calling yourselves christians because you are all far from it. you all need help. I can gaurentee you right now that the majority of you evangelical's are going to end up being either drug abusers, Child molesters, Serial killers.etc
You have been brainwashed to such an extent...almost irreversable.
for the RECORD- Global warming is REAL.............
Becky Fischer is a big ol' can o' crazy.
I don't think the Evangelicals are doing drugs, just the opposite. Being irreligious is not healthy. Not having strong roots in a transcendental reality leads, in due time, to anxiety, hypochondria including ecological hypochondria (e.g. climate panic), OCD ("Mr. Monk"), depression, addiction, and insanity, all of which were rare or unknown until recently. I think it was a big mistake to throw out religion along with merely conventional values. As a reaction to this, the Evangelicals are now trying to restore everything, or even more. I'm asking myself: Is there really no other way than either a theocracy where gay people are being put to death like Harry Potter, because it's in the Bible, or the status quo with tons of Valium being swallowed to cope with anxiety? We should think about this, because eventually the Evangelicals will win. They are stronger. We are morally weak, and drowsy from all the Valium and all the TV. The Muslims already pointed that out, and the radio guy in "Jesus Camp" says: "We’ve been asleep at the wheel."
go on youtube and search for darknessthecurse religion, he has four video's on this religious stuff and he proves that the lady is brain washing these kids minds.
tonight is the first time I have seen this my disgust she is no better than the people she mentioned on the program...that is the ones who teach their children how to hold guns and die for their god..she is creating an army. I was sadden by the reaction of the children. They don't understand why is going on. The Harry Potter comment...well what can I say its just a fictional story. Becky which God sent you on this mission...because I don't think it was Jesus!
I am currently watching "Jesus Camp" on Netflix. I haven't finished it yet because I had to stop and let my brain process all of it. Where should I start.
I know. The part where she says that Harry Potter is an evil warlock and that in the old testament he would be put to death. What she's forgetting is that by those same laws in the old testament, she wouldn't be up there speaking.
Next, I was raised in Tennessee in an "old fashioned missionary baptist church." If anyone has experienced this kind of church then you will understand my next comment. I was "saved" at the age of around 8 or 9. I really don't remember much of what happened. What I do remember is going to one of the churches revival meetings. And the preacher was up at the pulpit smacking the bible and yelling so hard that he was foaming at the mouth. I was sitting in the pew trying to sleep. It was 11 at night and the service had started at 6 that afternoon. My parents kept asking me "isn't there something you want to do/something you want to get off your chest." I'm sure they meant well but I was quite frankly terrified by all these grown-ups acting like something out of a loony bin. So finally I try to escape and go to the bathroom. When I get out into the center aisle the preacher sees me and screams out my name. I thought I had done something horrible so I started to cry. After that I pretty much followed the prompts and said what I thought they wanted. Now this long story has a point. Watching the kids in this movie, I see the same terror on some of their faces. Not all of them, but enough to know that they will have problems assimilating into that culture later in life. And while my family is still baptist, I've been wiccan for 10 years, since I was 16. That is when I finally realized that the intolerance and propaganda was not for me. I'm not saying that Becky Fischer or any of the other adults should change their faith. It is wonderful that they have faith, but to shove it down their kids' throats like that is awful. All that is going to do is create another generation of repressed and fanatical people.
I have a lot more that I would like to say but I will finish with the one thing in the movie that upset me the most. When Becky Fischer said that she was looking for the most usable people and that kids were the most usable people that she had found. She shouldn't be trying to use anyone.
"If anyone is interested about Moore's doctored facts, get the book "Michael Moore Is A Big Fat Stupid White Man," by David T. Hardy and Jason Clarke. Moore makes things up, distorts facts, and splices scenes to make conservatives look bad. I think that's what happened in Jesus Camp as well--I got the impression that the scenes were heavily edited to make people look worse than they really are."
James Pate, you really are an ignorant moronic white trash loser. Conversatives make themselves look terrible own their own. They don't need any help from Michael Moore
I thought Republicans were the party of the rich. Now we're white trash?
I always thought Americans were a bit fucked up. After seeing Jesus camp, it just re-affirmed it. Gun & Jesus loving bunch of freaks.
People, what Becky meant by "army" was "God's army" in spiritual sense. That is, God's army to fight the darkness and evil (the devil). NOT (repeated: NOT) physically against any human beings. So it's NOT a literal army. I hope it;s clear as it can get now.
The thing about President Bush, they were praying FOR him, NOT with him. It's a common practice among some churches to pray for the president and the government by laying hands on their pictures.
They were just using that Pres. Bush's life-sized image to give the kids clearer and more vivid understanding.
I do admire Becky's fiery passion
People, what Becky meant by "army" was "God's army" in spiritual sense. That is, God's army to fight the darkness and evil (the devil). NOT (repeated: NOT) physically against any human beings. So it's NOT a literal army. I hope it;s clear as it can get now.
The thing about President Bush, they were praying FOR him, NOT with him. It's a common practice among some churches to pray for the president and the government by laying hands on their pictures.
They were just using that Pres. Bush's life-sized image to give the kids clearer and more vivid understanding. It was NOT about politics, but it was only because Pres. Bush was the president at the time the film was made. If it were Obama, you would see his image also in the movie.
I do admire Becky's fiery passion
For those who think this movie tries to show the Evangelicials in a bad light here is the movie makers response to Ted Haggard when he made the claim:
And, according to the last paragraph in this article; - Becky Fisher endorses the movie so she must not think the movie makers portrayed her unfairly.
The George Bush paper cutout was terrifying and I thought most of those people were absolutely insane. Its one thing to be a good person and be religious, but these people were messed up in the head! I was shocked and horrified to be honest with you!
When she says Tiger by the tail. She is clearly swinging a lion
what anonymous (nov. 2, 2006; 10:55 a.m.) said is absolutely correct. and s/he was brought up in a similar culture to that of the kids in "jesus camp." for me, the whole thing was an outrage...when that kid, levi, said that when he "runs into a non-christian or something...there's always something that doesn't seem right...makes his spirit feel yucky..." it really scared me because somewhere down the road, he will influence people around him to feel that way too. it's also scary that some of these kids are ready to die for this. i find the adults who encourage missions where they go to countries and convert "non-believers" in exchange for bread sick; they're barging into countries where they're preying on people's situations and forcing them to lose their sense of self.
When I watched this film, I was surrounded by friends who had a negative view of what was being depicted so of course I saw it negatively, however, I thought (when watching it by myself) that the view of the film-makers came across as completely objective and, therefore, it is the people that WATCHED the film that put their meanings into it. While I thought Fisher's methods to be manipulative and the children somewhat brainwashed, I don't think that's any doing of the film-makers. As for her closing the camp, I think it's unfortunate that the property was vandalized. That is completely unnecessary. Tolerance will never be reached by acts of intolerance. This just goes to show that both sides of the battle have a LOT to learn about the other. And I'm also well aware that the film did not depict EVERY evangelical view, so I have no opinion of evangelicals as a whole. This particular camp didn't sit well with me, but as for the whole religion, I must admit I know very little about it.
My heart goes out to all who believe in organised religion. To believe in God is a personal matter and, I feel should be respected as such. If an innocent child automatically goes to heaven then why do they need to be indoctrinated. Surely they can grow and make an adult dicission of their own
I saw Jesus Camp for the first time this year. I am appalled. I was particularly horrified at some of her comments about an Army of Christ. The first think I thought of was those 'Christian' soldiers in Iraq, who made a poster in Arabic that said: Jesus killed Mohammed. Then they put it on the front of vehicle and rode it through town. They incited an incident that left many Iraqis killed and injured, as well as, American GI's. This idiocy needs to be nipped in the bud.
I think ole Becky is all for a Christian world with everyone else outside their special brand of faith removed from the planet. Please reference: American Fascists by Chris Hedges, Kingdom Coming by Michelle Goldberg, and Rapture Ready by Daniel Radosh.
I don't find this amusing. This type of behavior needs to be stopped.
Wow this becky lady is pretty creepy and all these kids, it's sad are so brainwashed. I guess the world needs a few more stupid bullies.
You know what is really sad is the fact that instead of showing Jesus Camp they should have showed other children worshipping Jesus in different ways. This film has destroyed peoples beliefs in God and how people should bring their children up to worship the Lord. This movie (at times disturbing) is only one facet of the whole truth. I can assure you there are MORE children who worship the Lord in a peaceful manner. You dont have to go to war or speak in tongues to be a christian. Its too bad she couldnt leave the camp open and have different sides to the worship. These children need to be able to think for themselves and not be indoctrinated. Sad but true.
If only W has really been there and the cardboard cutout had been in Washington for 8 years. We might have invaded a few less countries and I know his speeches would have been better.
that movie was terrible i hope she gets hit by a bus toting her soldiers of god to her fire camps and dies.
Who cares...just a whole lotta white people who think they're gonna take back the country for Jesus. They don't even realize that Jesus was a Jew...a good Jew.
The little miscreant who asked a black man if he really thought he was going to get to heaven ought to be boiled in oil for her ignorance alone. Black people will be in heaven before the Evangelicals know they're gone
People like Becky Fischer need to be put in jail for indoctrination of minors.
Becky Fischer sat under the false prophet Rick Joyner. She is truly evil and serves "another jesus" differnet from the true Lord of The Bible. I've seen the movies and was disgusted. I truly felt sorry for all the children being subjected to all that brainwashing, and garbage about aborton. Children should be allowed to be children. However, there's an important discussion at this blog here:
Just read about Todd Bentley, Benny Hinn, and all the others who are just like Becky Fischer!
Today, I had the displeasure to watch this movie in school. ...I cried. Other kids, even BOYS, were on the verge of tears. How could these false prophets DO this to these children? We were outraged, angered, and had no answers. Everyone was too afraid to speak up during discussion time- they were shaken up by these young, susceptible minds being trained for, well, whatever the crap they were being trained for; she didn't make it all too clear.
Firstly, let me tell you something, so that I don't sound like a complete douche. I know my place. I am equal to the rest of you; all Christians are equal. We are all God's children, and we are equal. Not one sibling is favored more than the other. So, I have no position of authority over you; this post is simply MY OPINION, NOT the Lord's! Even the apostle Paul made that distinction in the bible in a certain book, but people STILL failed to understand the context where he said so!
Now... Let me begin my rebuttal of the things this false prophet does. Firstly, she SAID that she wanted to raise them "like radical Muslims", because she "saw how they are raised", and thought it was necessary. Does the bible call for that ANYWHERE? NO! It calls us to live in brotherhood with all people, despite their differences. The Quran, however, DOES call for war against those who are not Muslim. So, let me get this straight, "Pastor" Fisher; you are following the Islam religion's ideas, and rejecting those of Jesus'?
Secondly, those children had looks of fear, confusion, and distrust spread over all of their faces. If they were crying, it was not because they had experienced God; it was because they were scared crapless by these maniac adults running the camp!
Thirdly, there is a reason kids are not to be trained to "speak in tongues" or to rebuke satan straight to his face verbally! It's that they don't know how to test the spirits! They trust almost ANYONE! So, if they heard at this camp, "God says 'Go kill your parents!'", then I'd bet you they would, because THEY CAN'T TEST THE SPIRITS! They don't understand that concept yet! So they believe anything they hear from anyone! (Don't believe me? 1 John 4:1 is the verse I speak of).
Fourth, and remember, this is SOLELY MY OPINION, and I am EQUAL to my fellow Christian brothers and sisters... I have felt the love of Jesus and can verify that the "jesus" these people at "Kids on Fire" speak of is NOT my Lord and Savior. Do you remember how HE treated the children? Mark 10:16. "And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them." (NIV version). The original Greek could be translated as this: "And, having taken them in His arms, He blessed them, having laid His hands on them.". Now, this IS a solely physical verse, but think about it... Jesus did not say to the parents, "Hand me your children! I must teach them to fight for me!" like this bible camp claims He wants. He DID say to bring the children to Him, for theirs is the Kingdom of God. No, He did not say that they were to serve Him radically. He said that God loves them.
(I'll continue in a second post, due to character limits.)
So, if God loves the children, why do we let these false prophets do such things to them? It breaks my heart to think that people REALLY think my Savior wants this for them- because, He doesn't, according to the bible. Kids need time to be KIDS. NOT jihad-built-transformer-fighters. Do you see where radical religion has gotten us? The bombings in Norway at that camp, 9/11, countless bombings in the Middle East, and broken relationships with those who are different than us. But, do you see where Jesus had gotten? He was friends to sinners, tax-collectors, prostitutes, Jews, Pharisees, Samaritans, Gentiles, et cetera... NOT killers of them, or haters of them.
If you can take anything away from my opinion, let it be this: Jesus is gentle, and loving, and does NOT want violence. Do you want another example? Remember in the garden, when a disciple cut off a man's ear? If you look at the original Greek, He did not yell at the disciple or sternly command him; He gently said, "Put the knife away!". As gentle as if I were to say to you, "Come on in! Relax! Make yourself at home!" if you came into my house.
There has been an alarmingly increased amount of false prophets lately, and the bible states that this is a sign of the end times. Watch that you are not deceived by the antichrist, who will claim to be God or Christ. Read the bible, become educated about it, and know what is happening in the end.
May blessing be upon YHWH's people, forever!
I deconverted a few years after this movie was filmed. Im glad christianity is on the decline and not because the bible said they would be. Treat people like their second class and it will come back to haunt you. Anyways, Im a Buddhist now, but this movie is still creepy, I hope some day these kids realize they were lied to. At least some of them, because you cant *save* everyone.
As for the people that said Becky wasnt a true christian, i heard that crap years ago. In fact it is how i deconverted. Keep it up, you reinforce my own convictions that christianity is bullshit.
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