Sunday, January 28, 2007

An Inconvenient Hour and a Half

I was glad I didn't see An Inconvinient Truth in the movie theater, but rather from the comfort of my own home. Because buying 2 ticket to see An Inconveient Truth would be by far had made me feel ripped off.

This movie, a lecture on the severe realities of global warning would be no more than a high school science class film if it wasn't for the fact that Al Gore does the narration, and personal/political interjections splice up the film, giving a context for Gore's concern and thought process.

The film's content is great, but as far as a documentary goes, the sporadic TV director (and husband of Elizabeth Shue) Davis Guggenheim, really chose an unengaging approach to delivering the message. This is certainly not an investigative documentary like Bowling For Columbine, or heartfelt or touching, like Born Into Brothels. And the reality is, in many ways, it's really not that informative. By informative, I mean that it doesn't reveal anything new to the typical viewer. The overarching rhetoric of the film is that Global Warming exhist, here are the numbers and the facts, demonstrated with hi-tech graphics on a really big screen with a famous narrator.

My favorite part of the film was the graphics they had with the sad little polar bears who couldn't find ice to rest on, and as a result were drowning. Now this is a very sad thing, and in fact, this would make an excellent Pixar movie, that would surely pull on the heart strings of many. Ular the Polar Bear searching for a piece of ice to rest his weary body in water that's just degrees to warm for stable floating ice conditions.

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Kimberly Ann said...

i have to say that i started surfing the net half way through us watching this uber dull film.

Glenn Dunks said...

Wow. I just watched this film on DVD today as well. I wrote about it at my blog. I pretty much have the same thoughts. It's a great topic and deserves to be discussed, but I'd rather see a documentary about global warming than a college lecture by Al Gore.

It was preaching to the converted. It's not like the big businesses, that make 500% more damage in an hour than I do in an entire week, are watching it and changing their ways.

general125 said...

I would agree on the content statement if it could even be proven that global warming is being caused by man.

Wasp Jerky said...

I would agree on the content statement if it could even be proven that global warming is being caused by man.

Well, antarctic ice core samples from 600,000 years show a direct correlation between increased CO2 levels and increase in annual temperatures. Admittedly correlation does not necessarily mean causation, but such data makes a pretty compelling case for us being responsible.

jasdye said...

I would agree on the content statement if it could even be proven that global warming is being caused by man.

i'm not sure that it could be proven that i or you exist.

but it's pretty darn likely.

Um Naief said...

for as boring as it was, i think it had a powerful message... but so many believe the message isn't relevant or just don't like Gore, therefore skip the film all together.

jasdye said...

i was really tired while watching it, and fell asleep for brief periods. but the movie itself is harrowing. much scarier than most movies i've seen w/in recent memory.