Saturday, October 20, 2007

If it's good enought for Hilary Swank it's good enough for me

Attending a wedding this weekend and ended up staying at a Radisson Hotel.

Radisson has recently added sleep number beds by select comfort to their rooms...having never slept on a sleep number is ask myself: "how do I choose a number."

I've seen many signs in the window of the select comfort stores and last night chose 35, Hilary Swank's sleep number.

It worked...if it's good enough for Hilary it's good enough for me.

(On a side note, how can Matthew McConaughey sleep on a 90???)


maryt/theteach said...

Great post and very funny, RC!

Come visit my posts when you get a chance, RC! :)

Anonymous said...

I gave the Sleep Number a chance... and after 3 nights I've decided I am not a fan.

It felt like the air mattress we sleep on when camping.