Saturday, May 05, 2007

Great Taste Has Its Benefits?

Things with great taste?
  • White Cake with White Frosting
  • Cinnamon Lattes from Starbucks
  • Mexican Food, especially Chips and Salsa
  • Crescent Rolls with butter and Jam
  • Cheese
  • Loaded Backed Potatoes
  • Ice Cream Sundaes

What are the benefits to these great taste?
  • Obesity
  • Type II Diabetes
  • Heart Disease
  • Paying for Two Airline Seats for One Flight

So why is "Great Taste Has Its Benefit" the new tagline for Diet Coke Plus? After trying this product my wife and I give it a combined two thumbs down. It's not horrible, but if it's not super cold, it taste chaulky.

Makes sense though, because Diet Coke Plus has a low amount of Niacin, B6, B12, Magnesium, and Zinc. Coca-cola would prefer you call this drink a flavored "sparking beverage," to help loose the stigma of Soda/Coke/Pop to carry the conotation of sugary and unhealthy beverage.

My recommendation: Take a multi-vitamin and drink a superior beverage, Diet Coke with Lime. (Also, change the tagline...the greatest tasting foods don't have benefits I'm a big fan of)

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Jeff Reed said...

Put the lime in the coke you nut and drink them both together. Put the lime in the coke you nut - what you say?

Southern (in)Sanity said...

You would have to go and tell me that chips and salsa are bad for you.

Thanks a lot!!!!

Jamie Dawn said...

You forgot to add chocolate truffles to that list of great tastes.
I'll stick with Sprite Zero plus some OJ which I'm drinking right now. It's a great combo!
I have to limit the amount of great tastes I let into my body, or I'd be big as a barn.

Anna said...

You are such a spoiler! Shame on you...

:) Have a good week!

Magnus said...

Diet drinks stink period. Aspartame isn't particularly good for your health eiether and is best avoided.

Anonymous said...

I'm a selective purist. Give me water.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads up here, RC. I was curious about this new, uh, substance. But I really didn't want to have to try it for myself.

Thanks for saving us the trouble! :-)

Sher said...

Awwww...I kinda like it!

Paula said...

Yup. Give me water. I like it. It refreshes me, and it doesn't give me cavities.