One of the biggest changes in the Oscar landscape recently has been the discovery that Robert Downey Jr.'s role in The Soloist, probably

I have long thought that this year belongs to Frank Langella, and these September predictions still place him in the top 5, and unless America gets politiced out by Oscar time, I think his performance as Richard Nixon in Frost/Nixon will put him in position for Oscar gold.

- Frank Langella, Frost/Nixon
- Mickey Rourke, The Wrestler
- Robert Downey Jr., The Soloist
- Sean Penn, Milk
- Benicio Del Toro, Che/The Argentine

- Leonardo Dicaprio, Revolutionary Road
- Richard Jenkins, The Visitor
- Brad Pitt, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
- Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Doubt
- Viggo Mortensen, The Road
- Clint Eastwood, Gran Torino
- Daniel Craig, Defiance
- Peter O'Toole, Dean Spanley
Names I could have included, but just can't see making the cut in a crowded year include Hugh Jackman (Australia), Josh Brolin (W), Will Smith (7 Pounds), Liam Neeson (The Other Man), Brendon Gleeson (Churchill at War), Leonardo DiCaprio (Body of Lies).
The other night, I saw Burn After Reading and during the preview for The Soloist, my first thought was, "Wow! Robert Downing Jr. is really making a comeback this year!" They also showed previews to Milk and Frost/Nixon, both of which look like compelling stories and performances that I look forward to seeing.
On a side note, the people next to me started laughing when the name of the film "Milk" was announced. It is a strange name and doesn't lend you to think anything of the plot, but I didn't think that it was laughable. Do you think that homophobic "Milk" jokes are going to become the next Brokeback Mountain jokes?
Off topic, but tag.
My picks are:
Leonardo DiCaprio - Revolutionary Road
Frank Langella - Frost/Nixon
Sean Penn - Milk
Brad Pitt - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Mickey Rourke - The Wrestler
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