It's been a unique experience to be a blogger this year as my mostly-film & culture blog has at times become more serious this year. Maybe it's the result of my own life changes of becoming a dad, maybe it's the writer's strike and a year were the bulk of the film season was mediocre, or maybe that some things in news, the economy, and so forth we more interesting and deserved coverage.
The biggest "events" on strangeculture in my 3rd year were my Dads-in-Media Blog-a-thon which I thought was a great success...occurring just days before the birth of my wife and I's daughter, Linden.
During this year, my wife & I have also taken on new jobs, in a new state, purchased a home and had a handful of other meaningful adventures.
But that didn't take away from exploring some interesting things, both current and hold.
I greatly appreciate the many suggestions and high level of interaction in my 80s movie viewing experiment that began with the question "Where then any good non-quirky 80s movies?" And resulted in a very extensive 16-part series of 80s film viewing. (View the whole series covering all 48 80s films here).
I again enjoyed creating the Real (Reel) people series this year, although this years list was far less extensive then 2007, but I certainly am looking for to the 2009 edition in the next couple months.
A handful of favorite post from my 3rd year of StrangeCulture Blog included:
- Top 10 Supporting Women in 24 (March 12, 2008)
- CNN, George Bush, & the Economy: Some Thoughts After A Day at the Mechanic (March 14, 2008)
- Humanity in Into The Wild (March 19, 2008)
- 800 Channels: Media-Options As A Community Hindrance (March 26, 2008)
- TV's Lost & The Wounded Warrior (April 8, 2008)
- Community: Borrowing an Egg (May 6, 2008)
- If I Chose 12 Films for the Beverly Cinema (July 28, 2008)
- My Fellow Americans: Reaching Across The Aisle (Nov 4, 2008)
- My Two Cents, The Widow Who Gave Hers, & Opportunity in Economic Uncertainty (Nov 10, 2008)
- Newspapers - Some Thoughts (Dec 7, 2008)
Here's to year StrangeCulture and the start of year 4!
Previous blogaversary post: 1st Blogaversary & 2nd Blogaversary.
Happy whatevers!
Keep in goin' boys, keep it movin', don't spill any on your clothes!
You have an informative and interesting blog.
Congrats, and many more happy postings to you!
Congratulations, it's been a pleasure reading your blog so far.
Here's to a million more years.
Happy blogaversary!
Congratulations! Yours is one of the blogs I'm always excited to read. Keep it up!
YAY!!! Congrats on the very serious anniversary! Three years of blog work are like 21 regular years!!
Yeah ... you earned a pension!
You have a great blog!
Happy 3rd Blogaversary!
Thank you for viiting my blog!
Happy Blogaversary and wishes for many more years to come.
Love that cake!
Happy Blogaversary . . .dropped by after you left a comment on mine. Nice site, I may be back! Bit of a movie buff myself! And don't get me started on Heath Ledger! pfffft!
Too good piece of information, I had come to know about your site from my friend sajid, bangalore,i have read at least 11 posts of yours by now, and let me tell you, your web-page gives the best and the most interesting information. This is just the kind of information that i had been looking for, i'm already your rss reader now and i would regularly watch out for the new post, once again hats off to you! Thanks a lot once again, Regards,
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